Browsing by Author Zakirova, L. R.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | A method for production of phytomineralsorbent, physical and chemical properties of it, effect on the living systems and the quality of the livestock industry products | Yakovleva, I. N.; Shaposhnikov, A. A.; Vesenzev, A. I.; Kovaleva, V. U.; Zakirova, L. R. |
2015 | Blood indices of broiler-chickens after supplementing their diet with solutions containing B-group and L-carnitine vitamins | Shaposhnikov, A. A.; Khmyrov, A. V.; Zakirova, L. R.; Sidorenko, L. L. |
2016 | Chelate complexes of malic or citric acids with iron, manganese and zinc as a biologically active supplement for broiler chicken diet | Kochetkova, N. A.; Yakovleva, I. N.; Shaposhnikov, A. A.; Shevchenko, T. S.; Zakirova, L. R. |
2016 | Influence of L-lysine sulfate on containing of vitamins and minerals in the body of broiler chickens | Shaposhnikov, A. A.; Yakovleva, I. N.; Nedopekina, I. V.; Krut, U. A.; Zakirova, L. R. |
2020 | Polymorphism of CYP2C9 gene in patients with stable angina pectoris and its significance in pathogenesis of the disease | Romaschenko, O. V.; Snegin, E. A.; Zhernakova, N. I.; Alferov, P. K.; Zakirova, L. R. |
2020 | Structure of Purinergic P2Y₁₂ receptors and some aspects of their biochemistry | Shevchenko, T. S.; Skorkina, M. Yu.; Zakirova, L. R.; Shentseva, E. A.; Zhernakova, N. I. |