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Результаты 1 по 13 из 13
Дата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016An interview with Dmitri GutovMaidansky, A.; Oittinen, V.
2015Androgynous plot in the oeuvre of Z.N. Gippius and its reflection in the novel by V.V. Nabokov "The gift"Demicheva, V. V.; Eremenko, O. I.; Jakovleva, T. V.; Cherkasov, V. A.
2013Crisis of biographical methodology in russian science and criticism of 1920-1930Cherkasov, V. A.
2018European regional conflicts of the second half of the 1930s and the evolution of the national-socialist Image of enemyMalay, V.; Krupskaya, S.; Orehova, M.; Timoshkova, O.; Fomichev, N.
2020Gustav Shpet and the formation of Russian philosophical HermeneuticsIgnatov, M. A.; Kalinina, G. N.; Kireev, M. N.; Rimskiy, V. P.; Sharabarin, S. M.
2016Mikhail Lifshits: an enigmatic marxistMaidansky, A.; Oittinen, V.
2016Reflection of postmodernism in Kurt Vonnegut’s selected fictionsElaheh Soofastaei; Hardev Kaur; Ida Baizura Bahar; Sayyed Ali Mirenayat
2023Saving philosopher Descartes: Valentin Asmus as a guardian of cultureMaidansky, A.; Maidansky, M.
2016The aesthetic realism of Mikhail Lifshits: art, history and the communist idealMaidansky, A.
2015The demonic grotesque in Flannery O’Connor’s Everything That Rises Must ConvergeSayyed Ali Mirenayat; Elaheh Soofastaei
2016The poetics of suffering and refuge in newer Serbian literature of Kosovo and MetohijaDenic, S. M.
2011The post-structuralism philosophy as postmodernism culture reflectionAfanasjeva, T. J.
2022The struggle for the german oil market at the beginning of the hitler regimeMorozov, S. V.; Prokhorova, O. N.; Oleinik, N. N.; Krivets, A. P.; Oliinyk, Y. A.