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Showing results 1 to 20 of 68  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Comparative analysis of current health expenditure and mortality from COVID-19 by countriesSpichak, I. V.; Zhirova, I. V.; Podgaina, M. V.; Korzh, Yu. V.; Ivashchenkova, A. O.
2022Correlation of Biochemical Abnormalities with the Severity of Hospitalized Covid-19 PatientsSanthi Silambanan; Teena Koshy; Mahesh, К. K.; Jasmine, Ch. A.; Emmanuel Bhaskar
2021COVID 19 Accelerator of Changes in the Readiness of University Teachers to Use Distant Learning TechnologiesBelenko, V.; Klepikova, A.; Nemtsev, S.; Belenko, T.
2022COVID-19 and aging-related genome (chromosome) instability in the brain: another possible time-bomb of SARS-CoV-2 infectionIourov, I. Y.; Vorsanova, S. G.
2021COVID-19 и сердечно-сосудистая коморбидность: поиск новых подходов к снижению смертностиБунова, С. С.; Охотникова, П. И.; Скирденко, Ю. П.; Осипова, О. А.; Жернакова, Н. И.
2020COVID-19 у лиц, адаптированных к аэробной нагрузкеТретьяков, А. Ю.; Захарченко, С. П.; Дятлова, А. В.; Жабская, А. В.; Ермилов, О. В.; Третьяков, М. А.
2020COVID-19: влияние на иммунитет, систему гемостаза и возможные пути коррекцииКузник, Б. И.; Хавинсон, В. Х.; Линькова, Н. С.
2021COVID-19: обвал пассажирского спроса в связи с ограничениями на международные поездкиСарафанова, А. Г.; Сарафанов, А. А.
2022Cтратегия нулевой толерантности Китая в период пандемии COVID-19Ломовцева, О. А.
2023Dynamics of endothelial function indexes in patients with post-Covid syndrome using a combination drug of ethylmethylhydroxyperidine succinate/vitamin B6Mikhailova, L. V.; Belousova, Ya. D.; Moiseeva, E. M.; Tsapkova, A. A.; Gazatova, N. D.
2020Experience in managing a patient with a complicated course of SARS-CoV-2 infection: early pulmonary rehabilitation and prevention of pulmonary fibrosis : clinical caseBontsevich, R. A.; Vovk, Y. R.; Adonina, A. V.; Solovyova, L. V.
2023Impact of COVID-19 on clinical trials protocol amendmentsEleskina, A. A.; Pyatigorskaya, N. V.; Filippova, O. V.
2022In silico identification of the potential natural inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 Guanine-N7 methyltransferaseRowaiye, A. B.; Onuh, O. A.; Oladimeji-Salami, J. A.; Doofan Bur; Moses Njoku
2021Initial impact of COVID-19 on the professional trajectories of highly qualified BulgariansIvanova, V.
2021Is antibiotics overuse justified when immediate intervention is not possible? A rapid evidence reviewNour Ibrahim; Ziad Noujeim; Georges Aoun; Abbass El-Outa
2022Methods of the epidemics spread mathematical modelingAgha, H. R.; Taha, A. T.
2020On the way from SARS-CoV-sensitive mice to murine COVID-19 modelSoldatov, V. O.; Kubekina, M. V.; Silaeva, Yu. Yu.; Bruter, A. V.; Deykin, A. V.
2022Online medical discourse during the COVID-19 pandemic: semantic categories and attitudeOvchinnikova, I. G.; Ermakova, L. M.; Nurbakova, D. M.
2020Peptides: Prospects for Use in the Treatment of COVID-19Khavinson, V.; Linkova, N.; Dyatlova, A.; Kuznik, B.; Umnov, R.
2021The position of religious communities during the coronavirus pandemic and the reflection on the public opinion in MacedoniaBlazhevskiy, I.; Cacanoska, R.; Dzhorshevskiy, N.