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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Anthropogenic evolution of dark gray forest-steppe soils in the southern part of the central russian uplandChendev, Yu. G.; Aleksandrovskii, A. L.; Khokhlova, O. S.; Smirnova, L. G.; Novykh, L. L.; Dolgikh, A. V.
2021Assessment of the state and restoration of biological resources of scots pine (PINUS SILVESTRIS L.) in the south of the Central Russian UplandCherniavskih, V. I.; Dumacheva, E. V.; Markova, E. I.
2022Basin-scale approach to integration of agro- and hydrogeological monitoring for sustainable environmental management: a case study of Belgorod oblast, European RussiaBuryak, Z.; Lisetskii, F.; Gusarov, A.; Narozhnyaya, A.; Kitov, M.
2022Cenopopulations of Hyssopus officinalis L. in the Belgorod Region: Spatial Structure and Bioresource Potential.Filatov, S. V.; Dumachev, D. V.
2019Changes in the soil cover under the impact of shortterm climate fluctuationsSmirnova, L. G.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Kukharuk, N. S.; Naroznyaya, A. G.; Kukharuk, S. A.; Smirnov, G. V.
2021Contrasting variants of soil development at archaeological sites on floodplains in the forest-steppe of the Central Russian UplandChendev, Yu. G.; Fedyunin, I. V.; Inshakov, A. A.; Dudin, D. I.; Belevantsev, V. G.
2022Demographic and spatial structure at the stage of expansion in the populations of some alien land snails in Belgorod city (Central Russian Upland)Adamova, V. V.; Ukrainskiy, P. A.; Krymskaya, O. V.
2022Early stages of the evolution of chernozems under forest vegetation (Belgorod Oblast)Chendev, Yu. G.; Gennadiev, A. N.; Smirnova, M. A.; Lebedeva, M. P.; Plotnikova, O. O.
2017Estimating the state of population gene pools of the specially protected Helicopsis striata (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) species based on DNA markersSnegin, E. A.
2017Evolution of forest pedogenesis in the south of the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland in the Late HoloceneChendev, Yu. G.; Aleksandrovskii, A. L.; Khokhlova, O. S.; Dergacheva, M. I.; Petin, A. N.
2019Floral complexes with the involvement of Adonis Vernalis L. (fam. Ranunculaceae juss.) and environmental assessment of the conditions of their formation in the Southwest of Central-Russian UplandTokhtar, V. K.; Kirilova, I. A.; Tokhtar, L. A.; Kaliuzhnaya, E. V.
2019Forests advancements to grasslands and their influence on soil formation: Forest Steppe of the Central Russian UplandChendev, Yu.; Gennadiev, A.; Sauer, T.; Terekhi, E.; Matveev, S.
2020Influence of forest shelterbelts on local pedodiversity (Belgorod Oblast)Smirnova, M. A.; Gennadiev, A. N.; Chendev, Yu. G.; Kovach, R. G.
2021Invasive activity of Galega orientalis Lam. in the presence of deposits in the southwestern part of the Central Russian UplandChernyavskikh, V.; Dumacheva, E.; Lisetskii, F.
2019Peculiarities in plant communities’ formation in crop plantings in the south-eastern part of the Central Russian UplandTokhtar, V. K.; Zelenkova, V. N.; Fomina, E. V.; Chebotaeva, E. M.
2014Popularity of species of polypores which are parasitic upon oaks in coppice oakeries of the South-Western Central Russian Upland in Russian FederationDunayev, A. V.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Dunayeva, E. N.; Kalugina, S. V.
2020Sarcodontia Crocea (Basidiomycota), new to Lipetsk regionVolobuev, S. V.
2019Soils of archeological landscape Sorokino 1 (Orel oblast): reconstruction of natural changes and anthropogenic transformation of the environmentChendev, Yu. G.; Golyeva, A. A.; Belevantsev, V. G.; Sarapulkin, V. A.; Dudin, D. I.
2023Spatiotemporal dynamics of forest vegetation and their impacts on soil properties in the forest-steppe zone of Central Russian Upland: a remote sensing, GIS analysis, and field studies approachChendev, Yu. G.; Lupo, A. R.; Terekhin, E. A.; Smirnova, M. A.; Narozhnyaya, A. G.
2022The influence of agroforestry on chernozems: a case study of the Central Russian UplandZazdravnykh, E.; Chendev, Yu.; Smirnova, M.