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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016A live border: cossack maneuvers in the context of colonization (the late sixteenth to the early seventeenth century) = Живая граница: казачьи маневры в пространстве колонизации (рубеж XVI-XVII вв.)Golovnev, A. V.
2014A new approach to dating the fallow lands in old-cultivated areas of the steppe zoneLisetskii, F. N.; Marinina, O. A.; Jakuschenko, D. G.
2015I cambiamenti ambientali nella steppa Crimea per tutto il periodo romano di storia antica e di làLisetskiy, F. N.; Pichura, V. I.; Marinina, O. A.; Semenyuk, A. P.
2015Indicators of agricultural soil genesis under varying conditions of land use, Steppe CrimeaLisetskii, F.; Marinina, O.; Stolba, V. F.
2019Land division system, agrotechnology and soil transformation in the post-antique agrolandscapes of Northwestern CrimeaLisetskii, F.; Smekalova, T.; Marinina, O.; Mykhailov, V.; Zelenskaya, E.
2017Late-Holocene palaeoenvironments of Southern Crimea: Soils, soil-climate relationship and human impactLisetskii, F. N.; Stolba, V. F.; Pichura, V. I.
2020Magnetic surveys locate Late Bronze Age corralsSmekalova, T.; Bevan, B.; Kashuba, M.; Lisetskii, F.; Borisov, A.
2019Modern landscapes of the Kerch PeninsulaPozachenyuk, E.; Lisetskii, F.; Kalinchuk, I.; Asanova, A.; Ignatenko, I.
2013Post-agrogenic evolution of soils in ancient Greek land use areas in the Herakleian peninsula, southwestern CrimeaLisetskii, F. N.; Stolba V. F.; Ergina E. I.; Rodionova M. E.; Terekhin E. A.
1999Soil formation in the Mediterranean type of climate, South Cost of the CrimeaLisetskii, F. N.
2008Soil formation in the mediterranean type of climate, south cost of the CrimeaLisetskii, F. N.; Ergina, E. I.
2020Soil-litological featl resofancient Greek vineyards on the herkleian peninsula, south-west СrimeaLisetskii, F.; Poletaev, A.; Zelenskaya, E.
2022Аmреlореdоlоgiсаl pесuliагities оf gеоgгарhiсаl aгеаs оf Сrimea viticultuгеLisetskii, F. N.; Zelenskaya, E. Ya.