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Browsing by Subject Kursk magnetic anomaly

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Ecological and geochemical features of the distribution of trace elements in virgin and arable chernozemsNovykh, L.; Solovyov, A.; Novykh, I.; Chuikova, E.; Tricula, L.
2014Geo-Ecological Problems of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly in the Russian Federation, Ways And Means for Their RemedyPetin, A. N.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Petina, V. I.
2015Impact monitoring of mining enterprises of Kursk magnetic anomaly on hydro ecological river situation of the Belgorod regionKornilov, A. G.; Kolmykov, S. N.; Petina, M. A.; Lebedeva, M. G.
2013Modern geochemical situation in Staroosko-Gubkinsky mining region, an KMAKornilov, I. A.; Drozdova, E. A.; Gordeev, L. Y.
2018Modern geochemical situation in the area of mining facilities of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (by the example of Mikhailovsky GOK)Kornilov, A. G.; Drozdova, E. A.; Novykh, L. L.; Khrisanov, V. A.
2016Monitoring of exogenous geological processes in Stary Oskol - Gubkin mining region of Kursk magnetic anomalyPolygalova, A. Y.; Bugaeva, E. A.; Petin, A. N.
2015Perspective Approaches to the Directional Selection of Plant Species for Revegetation of Ore Mining Dumps of Kursk Magnetic AnomalyPolukhin, O. N.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Petin, A. N.; Martynova, N. A.; Petina, M. A.