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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Late Antiquity: New methodological approaches to transitional historical eraBolgov, N. N.
2012The basic elements of classical tradition in the mentality of Late Antiquity’s IntellectualsLitovchenko, E. V.
2014The cultural space of imperial provinces as a factor in preserving roman identity in late antiquity = Культурное пространство имперских провинций как фактор консервации римской идентичности в позднеантичную эпохуLitovchenko, E. V.
2014Themistius and his works in the context of cultural continuity = Фемистий и его сочинения в контексте культурного континуитетаBolgov, N. N.