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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Changes in the respiratory function of the heart and brain mitochondria of animals after chronic alcohol intoxication affected by a new GABA derivativePopova, T. A.; Kustova, M. V.; Khusainova, G. Kh.; Perfilova, V. N.; Prokofiev, I. I.
2020Influence of Diazepino [1,2-a] benzimidazole derivative (DAB-19) on behavioral aspects of animalsMaltsev, D. V.; Spasov, A. A.; Miroshnikov, M. V.; Skripka, M. O.; Divaeva, L. N.
2006The reaction of mucous membrane of uterus cervix of rabbits on surplus containing sexhormones in experiment=Реакция слизистой оболочки шейки матки самок кроликов на избыточное содержание половых гормонов в экспериментеKrikun, E. N.; Suprun, S. N.; Krikun, Y. E.
2021The role of catecholamines, melatonin and nitric oxide in the mechanisms of stress damage to the bodyRavaeva, M. Yu.; Cheretaev, I. V.; Galenko-Yaroshevsky, P. A.