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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Development of ultrafine grained austenitic stainless steels by large strain deformation and annealingBelyakov, A.; Kipelova, A.; Odnobokova, M.; Shakhova, I.; Kaibyshev, R.
2014Dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization under hot, cold and severe plastic deformation conditionsSakai, Y.; Belyakov, A.; Kaibyshev, R.; Miura, H.; Jonas, J. J.
2012Effect of annealing on the structure and properties of aluminum alloy Al – 8% MMMogucheva, A. A.; Zyabkin, D. V.; Kaibyshev, R. O.
2014Effect of annealing on wear resistance and electroconductivity of copper processed by high-pressure torsionZhilyaev, A. P.; Shakhova, I.; Belyakov, A.; Kaibyshev, R.; Langdon, T. G
2021Effect of multiple forging and annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of a high-manganese steelDolzhenko, P. D.; Valiev, R. Z.; Belyakov, A. N.; Bobruk, E. V.; Tikhonova, M. S.
2019Effect of second phase particles on mechanical properties and grain growth in a CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloyKlimova, M. V.; Shaysultanov, D. G.; Zherebtsov, S. V.; Stepanov, N. D.
2017Effect of Si and Zr on the microstructure and properties of Al-Fe-Si-Zr alloysMorozova, A.; Mogucheva, A.; Bukin, D.; Lukianova, O.; Korotkova, N.; Kaibyshev, R.
2021Evolution of the phase composition of ZrB₂-35MoSi₂-15Al composite coating at annealingGoncharov, I.; Kovaleva, M.; Yapryntsev, M.; Sirota, V.
2020Fabrication of bismuth films by a melt spinning method and the influence of annealing on their microstructureKozhemyakin, G. N.; Kovalev, S. Yu.; Soklakova, O. N.
2023Features of the recovery process of austenitic stainless steel obtained by selective laser meltingDolzhenko, P. D.; Odnobokova, M. V.; Mikhailov, M. G.; Tikhonova, M. S.; Belyakov, A. N.
2018Formation of bimodal microstructure in A 316L-type austenitic stainless steelYanushkevich, Z.; Odnobokova, M.; Belyakov, A.; Kaibyshev, R.
2009Grain boundary diffusion patterns under nonequilibrium and migration of grain boundaries in nanoctructure materialsKrasilnikov, V. V.; Savotchenko, S. E.
2021Influence of formation conditions, subsequent annealing and ion irradiation on the properties of nanostructured coatings based on amorphous carbon with gold, silver and nitrogen additivesKolpakov, A.; Poplavsky, A.; Yapryntsev, M.; Novikov, Y.; Goncharovm, I.; Galkina, M.
2017Microstructure and mechanical properties of a high-MN twip steel subjected to cold rolling and annealingKalinenko, A.; Kusakin, P.; Belyakov, A.; Kaibyshev, R.; Molodov, D. A.
2008Microstructure behavior of Al–Mg–Sc alloy processed by ECAP at elevated temperatureSitdikov, O.; Sakai, T.; Avtokratova, E.; Kaibyshev, R.; Tsuzaki, K.
2021Microstructure evolution and phase transformation of ZrB₂-45MoSi₂-10Al coating at high temperatureKovaleva, M. G.; Novikov, V. Yu.; Vagina, O. N.; Sirota, V. V.
2022Microtexture evolutions in 304L and 316L stainless steels during rolling at 200°C and annealingOdnobokova, M.; Belyakov, A.; Enikeev, N.
2020On the strength of a 316L-type stainless steel subjected to cold or warm rolling followed by annealingOdnobokova, M.; Yanushkevich, Z.; Kaibyshev, R.; Belyakov, A.
2018Properties of coatings based on carbon and nitrogen-doped carbon obtained using a pulsed vacuum arc methodKovaleva, M. G.; Kolpakova, A. J.; Poplavskya, A. I.; Galkina, M. E.; Gerus, J. V.
2011Spheroidization of the lamellar microstructure in Ti-6Al-4V alloy during warm deformation and annealingZherebtsov, S.; Murzinova, M.; Salishchev, G.; Semiatin, S. L.