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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014C₆₀ fullerene as synergistic agent in tumor-inhibitory doxorubicin treatmentPrylutska, S. V.; Grynyuk, I.; Matyshevska, O.; Prylutskyy, Y.; Evstigneev, M. P.
2020Development and analysis of fruit beverages with antioxidant propertiesSolomatina, E. A.; Solomatin, N. M.; Sorokopudov, V. N.; Sorokopudova, O. A.; Myachikova, N. I.
2021Impact of organotin compounds on the growth of epidermoid Lewis carcinomaDodokhova, M. A.; Safronenko, A. V.; Kotieva, I. M.; Alkhuseyn-Kulyaginova, M. S.; Shpakovsky, D. B.
2017Interaction between some antibiotics and antioxidantsMiroshnichenko, A. G.; Perfilyev, V. Yu.; Lysenko, I. V.; Zhernakova, N. I.
2022Personalized approaches to the use of the antioxidant ethoxidol in patients with coronary heart diseaseRomaschenko, O. V.; Pokrovsky, M. V.; Nadezhdin, S. V.; Rumbesht, V. V.; Zhernakova, N. I.; Alferov, P. K.; Grischenko, N. D.
2024Pharmacological effects of purple basil extract on isolated mouse bladder functions and underlying molecular mechanismsArslan, B. N.; Dondas, N. Y.
2012Posibilități de utilizare a semințelor germinate ǐn alimentațieMyachikova, N.; Sorokopudov, V.; Binkovskaia, O.
2014Some aspects of obtaining and use of germinated wheat seedsDeineka, V.; Deineka, L.; Miachikova, N.; Sorokopudov, V.; Burmenko, J.; Miachikova, O.; Miachikova, E.
2017Study of dose-dependent effect of 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3 hydroxypyridine succinate on the contractile function of isolated rat heatKesarev, O. G.; Danilenko, L. M.; Pokrovskii, M. V.; Timokhina, A. S.; Khavanskii, A. V.