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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Ethnic stereotypes’ reflection by means of modern cinematographyBuzinova, L. M.; Voloshina, T. G.; Parnikova, T. V.; Chernova, O. O.
2014Musical phraseology and linguistic identitySedykh, A. P.
2014Picturing empires: photography and social changes in 19th century multiethnic environment = Изображая империи: фотография и социальные изменения в полиэтническом контексте XIX векаVishlenkova, E. A.
2022Proteism in a cinematic portrait of a woman-philosopherGrigoryev, S. L.; Volkova, P. S.; Shcheglova, L. V.; Zehuan Нuang
2019The East and gender in popular culture: the visual discourse of the harem in the modern television seriesPopova, O.; Danilenko, A.; Ochilov, F.; Jadgarov, N.
2018The influence of film criticism on the interpretation of the film by the audienceManokhin, D. K.; Srybnaya, M. A.; Tyazhlov, Y. I.; Ushakova, S. V.
2019The symbolism of colour in the interpretation of a drawing in GestaltKarotovskaya, L. V.; Shatalova, L. I.; Maslakov, S. I.; Syrovatskaya, T. A.; Doborovich, A. N.; Panasenko, K. E.
2020The technique of formation of valuable attitude for amateur theatre by future leadersBorzenko, I. V.; Ignatova, I. B.; Ilyenko, M. N.; Lyubimova, N. I.; Nikulina, N. N.