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Browsing by Subject arterial hypertension

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Arginase inhibitor in the pharmacological correction of endothelial dysfunctionPokrovskiy, M. V.; Korokin, M. V.; Tsepeleva, S. A.; Pokrovskaya, T. G.; Kochkarov, V. I.
2015Association of polymorphic markers rs243865 and rs3025058 with the development of arterial hypertensionPolonikov, A.; Moskalenko, M.; Churnosov, M.; Zhernakova, N.; Milanova, S.
2014Choice of antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients with critical coronary artery stenosisOsipova, O. A.; Suyazova, S. B.; Nagibina, A. I.
2018Clinical and laboratory indicators in pregnant women with preeclampsiaGolovchenko, O. V.; Reshetnikov, E. A.; Aristova, I. K.; Orlova, V. S.; Batlutskaya, I. V.
2024Diagnosis and treatment of arterial stiffness, pulmonary hypertension, diastolic cardiac dysfunction against the background of ischaemic heart disease in comorbid patientsPribylova, N. N.; Leonidova, K. O.; Pribylov, V. S.; Shabanov, E. A.; Pribylov, S. A.
2023Functional Dynamics of Hemostasis and Hemorheology in Young Men at Risk of Arterial HypertensionVinichenko, M. A.; Zavalishina, S. Yu.; Mal, G. S.
2014Hypertriglyceridemic waist phenotype: a marker of cardiometabolic risk in patients with arterial hypertensionAshcheulova, T. V.; Kovalyova, O. N.; Syed, M. A.
2020Insilico test of functional role of rs8068318 polymorphism of arterial hypertension-associated TBX2 candidate geneAbramova, M. Yu.; Usacheva, T. A.; Sorokina, I. N.; Verzilina, I. N.; Polyakova, I. S.; Kulikovsky, V. F.
2021Investigation of allergenic and mutagenic effects of phenolic compound, an arignase-2 inhibitorKorokina, L. V.; Pokrovskii, M. V.; Kochkarova, I. S.; Pokopeiko, O. N.; Povetkin, S. V.
2018Meteoprotective properties of melaxen in old and middle aged patients with ischemic heart disease in combination with arterial hypertensionZhernakova, N. I.; Shcherban, E. A.; Logvinenko, S. I.; Lebedev, T. Y.; Postnikova, L. I.
2022Molecular mechanisms of myocardial damage in the hypertensive rats and hypertensive rats with metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis)Belenichev, I. F.; Abramov, A. V.; Puzyrenko, A.; Bukhtiyarova, N. V.; Gorchakova, N. O.
2018Multi-aspect approach to the optimization of pharmacotherapy of patients with arterial hypertension of high and very high riskGridina, S. A.
2021Optimization of premedication of patients with arterial hypertension and severe ventricular rhythm disturbances with Amiodarone-associated thyrotoxicosisSafronenko, A. V.; Lepyavka, S. V.; Demidov, I. A.; Nazheva, M. I.; Maklyakov, Y. S.
2021Optimization of the functional state of the cardiovascular system in women with a complex of dosage physical exertionZavalishina, S. Yu.; Vinichenko, M. A.; Makurina, O. N.; Mal, G. S.
2020Physicians and senior medical students knowledge of drug contraindicated for arterial hypertension according to the Phystarh studyBontsevich, R. A.; Vovk, Y. R.; Gavrilova, A. A.; Prozorova, G. G.; Batisheva, G. A.; Kompaniets, O. G.; Myronenko, O. V.
2022Physicians’ knowledge and preferences in tactics of management and rational pharmacotherapy of arterial hypertension in pregnant women (PHYGEST study)Bontsevich, R. A.; Balamutova, T. I.; Chukhareva, N. A.; Tsygankova, O. V.; Batisheva, G. A.
2023Physiological features of the cardiovascular system in hypertensive men under conditions of regular physical activityVinichenko, M. A.; Zavalishina, S. Yu.; Kartashev, V. P.; Makurina, O. N.
2023Risk Effects of rs1799945 Polymorphism of the HFE Gene and Intergenic Interactions of GWAS-Significant Loci for Arterial Hypertension in the Caucasian Population of Central RussiaIvanova, T.; Churnosova, M.; Abramova, M.; Ponomarenko, I.; Reshetnikov, E.; Aristova, I.; Sorokina, I.; Churnosov, M.
2020Single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes encoding xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes are associated with predisposition to arterial hypertensionBushueva, O. Yu.
2014Studying the Impact of the genetic polymorphisms of chemokines on the arterial pressure level and kidney function in patient with the chronic glomerulonephritisYushina, I. A.; Nekipelova, E. V.; Sirotina, S. S.; Sobyanin, F. I.; Zhernakova, N. I.