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Showing results 1 to 20 of 77  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Advanced approaches to the visualization of data characterizing distribution features of alien plant speciesTokhtar, V. K.
2022Alien and aboriginal flora of the Amur section of the Trans-Siberian Railway and its relationships with the characteristics of natural biomesKotenko, O.V.; Pergl, J.; Tokhtar, V.K.; Danilova, E.S.; Vinogradova, Y.K.
2020Analysis of internal relationships in the forophyte - endoepiphyte meroconsortium by the example of the "Quercus robur L., oak stand - pathogenic polyporaceae oakgrowing community” biosystemDunaev, A. V.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Dunaeva, E. N.; Korotkikh, A. S.
2019Analysis of rare type of plants from botanical graden collection at SRU “Belsu” (Belgorod, Russia)Martynova, N. A.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Koniaeva, I. A.; Tokhtar, L. A.
2019Analysis of the peculiarities of the expansion of invasive plant species in the south-west of the middle Russian Highland (Russia, the Belgorod region)Kurskoy, A. Yu.; Tokhtar, V. K.
2018Approaches to the construction of simulation model of the process optimization of rare plants microclonal propagationIvashuk, O. A.; Batlutskaya, I. V.; Shcherbinina, N. V.; Maslova, E. V.; Degtyareva, K. A.
2013Areoana analysis of moss leaf cell structure of two Cyrtomnium species (Mniaceae, Bryophyta)Ivanov, O. V.; Pyatnitskiy, A. M.; Ignatov, M. S.; Maslova, E. V.
2020Assessment algorithm for in the coppice oak forests of the southwest Central russian uplandDunaev, A. V.; Dunaeva, E. N.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Martynovа, N. A,
2017Biological resources of the Hyssopus l on the south of European Russia and prospects of its introductionDumacheva, E. V.; Cherniavskih, V. I.; Markova, E. I.; Filatov, S. V.; Tokhtar, V. K.
2020Buglossoporus quercinus in the oak forests of the Belgorod region of the Russian FederationDunaev, A. V.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Dunaeva, E. N.; Velikikh, D. V.
2020Can invasive plant species "differentiate" colonized ecotopes?Tokhtar, V. K.; Vinogradova, Yu. K.; Zelenkova, V. N.; Kurskoy, A. Yu.
2020Classification of flora of agrophytocenoses growing in the southwest of the Central russian upland (Russia)Tokhtar, V. K.; Zelenkova, V. N.
2019Collection of cover-ground plants and plants for Alpinarians and Rocarians in botanical garden of Belgorod University (Belgorod, Russia)Tokhtar, V. K.; Martynova, N. A.; Patsukova, N. G.; Tokhtar, L. A.
2019Comparative analysis of types of plants-transformers in various regions of Central RussiaTokhtar, V. K.; Kurskoy, A. Yu.; Velikikh, D. V.; Tokhtar, L. A.; Petrunova, T. V.
2020Current environmental selection issues: selection of h. annuus l. for herbicide resistanceAglotkov, M. V.; Ignatenko, A. I.; Cherniavskih, V. I.; Dumacheva, E. V.; Korolkova, S. V.
2018Development of the sphagnoid areolation pattern in leaves of Palaeozoic protosphagnalean mossesIvanov, O. V.; Maslova, E. V.; Ignatov, M. S.
2014Differentiation of the Climatic Niches of the Invasive Oenothera l.(Subsect. Oenothera, Onagraceae) Species in the Eastern EuropeTokhtar, V.; Groshenko, S. A.
2008Disease of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) Caused by Alternaria tenuissima (NEES.)Kurkina, Yu. N.
2023Distribution features and species composition of invasive plant species of Russia and ChinaТохтарь, В. К.; Фангхао Ван; Руй Ван; Курской, А. Ю.; Третьяков, М. Ю.; Зеленкова, В. Н.
2008Divergence of morphological floral traits among european Oenothera L. populationsTokhtar, V. K.; Rudiger Wittig