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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Approximation properties of discrete boundary value problems for elliptic pseudo-differential equationsTarasova, O.; Vasilyev, V.
2023Asymptotic Behavior of Solution to Some Boundary Value ProblemVasilyev, V. B.; Kutaiba, Sh. H.
2022Boundary value problem of mass and heat transfer of an evaporating spherical dropletMalai, N. V.; Shostak, Yu. I.; Malai, V. V.
2020Boundary value problems for elliptic pseudodifferential equations in a multidimensional coneVasilyev, V. B.
2020Calculation of the greens function of boundary value problems for linear ordinary differential equationsBelyaeva, I.; Chekanov, N.; Chekanova, N.; Kirichenko, I.; Ptashny, O.
2018Characteristically closed domains for first order strictly hyperbolic systems in the planeSoldatov, A. P.
2009Lame system of elasticity theory in a plane orthotropic mediumAbapolova, E. A.; Soldatov, A. P.
2008On a boundary value problem for a higher-order elliptic equationMalakhova, N. A.; Soldatov, A. P.
2022On certain elliptic problems in sectorial domainsVasilyev, V. B.; Eberlein, N. V.
2020On digital approximations for elliptic boundary value problemsTarasova, O.; Vasilyev, V.
2005On elliptic boundary value problems on upper half-planeySoldatov, A.
2020On solutions of certain limit boundary value problemsKutaiba, S.; Vasilyev, V.
2023On Solvability of Certain Non-Standard Elliptic ProblemsVasilyev, V.; Chernova, O.; Lukinova, O.
2021On some multidimensional limit boundary value problemsVasilyev, V. B.; Kutaiba, Sh. H.
2023Pseudo-differential equations in spaces of different smoothness exponents on variablesVasilyev, V.; Polunin, V.; Shmal, I.
2018Pseudodifferential operators and equations of variable orderVasilyev, V. B.
2023Quassiclassical approximation of solutions of boundary convective-type problems of heat and mass transferAverin, G. V.; Shevtsova, M. V.; Bronnikova, M. V.
2009The multipole method for certain elliptic equation with discontinuous coefficientSkorokhodov, S. L.; Vlasov, V. I.
2021Towards the theory of boundary value problems on non-smooth manifoldsVasilyev, V.
2020Transmutation operators boundary value problemsSitnik, S. M.; Yaremko, O.; Yaremko, N.