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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Enhanced thermoelectric efficiency of the bulk composites consisting of "Bi₂Te₃ matrix" and "filler Ni@NiTe₂ inclusions"Yaprintsev, M.; Ivanov, O.; Zhezhu, M.; Yaprintseva, E.; Novikov, V.
2023Influence of MnTe inclusions on thermoelectric properties of Fe2TiSnScherbakova, K.; Khanina, A.; Novitskii, A.; Serhiienko, I.; Ivanov, O.; Repnikov, N.
2011Mechanical alloying of Cu–SiC materials prepared with utilisation of copper waste chipsProsviryakov A. S.; Aksenov A. A.; Samoshina M. E.; Kovaleva M. G.; Ivanov D. O.
1994Superplasticity of the metal matrix composite PM2014 Al-20% Al₂O₃Kaibyshev, R.; Kazkyhanov, V.; Evangelista, E.; Stobrawa, J.
2019Synthesis and property evaluations of highly filled polyimide composites under thermal cycling conditions from -190 °C to +200 °CCherkashina, N. I.; Pavlenko, V. I.; Noskov, A. V.
2009The effect of dispersion hardening on the regularities and mechanisms of the creep of copper with submicron grain sizesGrabovetskaya, G. P.; Mishin, I. P.; Kolobov, Yu. R.