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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021A computer system for the leukocytes classification in medical imagesChernykh, E. M.; Mikhelev, V. M.
2021A system-object approach to determinant analysis of complex systemsMatorin, S. I.; Mikhelev, V. V.
2020Accounting for system-wide patterns of conceptual systems in the modeling of conceptual knowledgeMatorin, S. I.; Zhikharev, A. G.; Mikhelev, V. V.
2020Application of hyperoperations for engineering practiceRubtsov, K. A.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Lazarev, S. A.
2019Approaches to the security analysis of authentication and authorization protocols in distributed systemsKonstantinov, I. S.; Lazarev, S. A.; Kiselev, V. E.; Demidov, A. V.
2021Classification of medical images of patients with Covid-19 using transfer learning technology of convolutional neural networkMiroshnichenko, A. S.; Mikhelev, V. M.
2022Computer modelling of material objects’ structure : Part I. Space-timeBondarev, V. G.; Migal, L. V.
2014Creation of automated control system of environmental safety of an industrial complexIvashchuk, O. A.; Ivashchuk, O. D.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Mishunin, V. V.; Mamatov, A. V.
2022Detection of multi-pixel low contrast object on a real sea surfaceGolikov, V.; Samovarov, O.; Chernomorets, D.; Marco Rodriguez-Blanco
2020Developing models of IoT infrastructures to identify vulnerabilities and analyse threatsProshkin, N. A.; Basan, E. S.; Lapina, M. A.; Klepikova, A. G.; Lapin, V. G.
2021Development of information technology to identify the imbalance between labor and educational services markets in the construction sectorUdovenko, I. V.; Zaitseva, T. V.; Putivzeva, N. P.
2021Development of intelligent tools for detecting resource-intensive database queriesSalah, M. M.; Alghazali; Polshchykov, K.; Ahmad, M.; Hailan; Svoykina, L.
2021Development of intelligent tools for detecting resource-intensive database queriesSalah, M. M.; Alghazali; Polshchykov, K.; Ahmad, M.; Hailan; Svoykina, L.
2019Development of the procedure of testing with the application of the expert evaluation method in psychophysiologyIgrunova, S. V.; Nesterova, E. N.; Ivaschuk, O. D.; Nesterov, V. G.; Lomazov, A. V.; Igrunov, K. K.
2021Formalization of system-object method of knowledge representation by calculation of systems as functional objectsZhikharev, A. G.; Matorin, S. I.; Tinyakov, O. A.; Shcherbinina, N. V.; Migal, L. V.
2019Industrial Internet of things: concept and legal consciousness, meaning for industry 4.0Redkina, A. I.; Ponkin, I. V.; Markhgeym, M. V.; Novikova, A. E.; Tonkov, E. E.
2018Integrating Artificial Agent in the Simulation Model of the Russian Federation Spatial DevelopmentMashkova, A.; Savina, O.; Mamatov, A. V.
2019Measurement of the status of complex systems in multidimensional phase spacesAverin, G. V.; Zviagintseva, A. V.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Shvetsova, A. A.
2021Method for optimizing the shell of open pit mines based on parallel computingPetrov, D. V.; Mikhelev, V. M.; Petrova, E. V.
2022Model of a secure virtual environment for managing information exchange in scientific and educational organizationsLazarev, S.; Rubtsov, K.