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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Basic approaches to the definition of legal security: history and modernityBelyaeva, G. S.; But'ko, L. V.; Kuksin, I. N.; Samsonov, N. V.; Safronova, E. V.
2015Communicative and cognitive features of art discourse and science of languageSedykh, A. P.; Kugan, E. I.
2018Distinctive features of administrative and legal support of national security in the USA and Russia: conceptual foundationsBelyaeva, G. S.; Bragin, A. A.; Gaidareva, I. N.; Mamin, A. S.; Samsono, V. N.
2013Drinks in national and group pictures of the worldMorel Morel, D. A.
2015Gender peculiarities of color terms in French fashion magazinesKupina, N. I.; Kamyshanchenko, E. A.; Kalyuzhnaya, E. V.; Gaidukova, N. I.
2016General approaches to gestalt’s definition: linguistic, sociologic and psychologic points of viewProkhorova, O. N.; Chekulai, I. V.; Baghana, J.; Kuprieva, I. A.; Gudz, O. V.
2012Grammatical conceptualization of QUANTITY in modern english = Грамматическая концептуализация количества в современном английском языкеStepanenko, S. N.
2020Institution of legal restrictions: issues of theory and practice of regulationTonkov, E. E.; Turanin, V. Yu.; Belyaeva, G. S.; Lyubov, A.
2015Knowledge structures and their representation in the languageAnosova, T. N.; Fedotova, O. V.
2024Linguistic representation of the "British identity" concept dynamics in the discourse of political journalismVishnyakova, O. D.; Suslov, V. I.; Vishnyakova, E. A.; Margania, E. V.
2015"Linguistic view of the world" and "Lingvistic evaluated view of the word": correlation of conceptsProkhorova, O. N.; Chekulai, I. V.; Baghana, J.; Kuprieva, I. A.
2015Linguocultural aspects of the discursive synergyOgneva, E. A.; Moiseenko, O. A.; Kolesnikov, A. A.; Kutsenko, A. A.; Yarygina, O. N.
2018Mental structure of assessment and its hierarсhiс structureProkhorova, O. N.; Chekulai, I. V.; Baghana, J.; Kuprieva, I. A.; Pugach, V. S.
2019Metaphorical representation of soft power concept in the modern english languageShekhovtseva, T. M.; Kamyshanchenko, E. A.; Taranova, E. N.
2015Methods of representation of the concept of good and evil in ch. T. Aytmatov’s works: based on the novel "Cassandra’s brand"Chonmurunova, N. J.
2013Morphological categories and linguistic cognitionBesedina, N.
2018National interests of the USA and Russia: comparative legal analysisBelyaeva, G. S.; Belyaev, V. P.; Bidova, B. B.; Rasskazov, L. P.; Potapov, V. J.
2015Neophrasemics in the context of linguo-cognitive synergeticsAlefirenko, N. F.; Kasyanova, L. Yu.
2017Poetic text in the light of cognitive-discursive researchTarabaeva, V. V.; Alefirenko, N. F.; Chumak-Zhun, I. I.; Kosharnaya, S. A.; Plotnikova, L. I.
2018Questions associated with the social adaptation of immigrants in the British society from a linguistic point of viewMaksaev, A. A.; Smirnova, S. B.