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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Basic concepts in the theoretical and practical field of strategic cost managementNevmatulina, K. A.
2018Cognitive conceptualization and categorization of time definition in english, french and russian linguisticsMoiseeva, S. A.; Uhnaleva, E. A.; Boichuk, I. V.; Bubyreva, Zh. A.; Lukyanova, E. V.
2015Conceptual features of mental structure of assessmentProkhorova, O. N.; Chekulai, I. V.; Baghana, J.; Kuprieva, I. A.; Peresypkin, A. P.
2016General approaches to gestalt’s definition: linguistic, sociologic and psychologic points of viewProkhorova, O. N.; Chekulai, I. V.; Baghana, J.; Kuprieva, I. A.; Gudz, O. V.
2017Gods and Believers in "Mrs. Dalloway" (a Cognitive Study of V. Woolf’s Religious Concepts)Bogatova, S. M.
2015"Hazardous zones" within "security perimeter": comparative study on the material of folkloric discourseRyazanova, E. V.; Morel Morel, D. A.
2022Ideation in its adaptation to the educational processVolkov, S. A.
2014Medium-term dynamics of the naive picture of the world through the prism of associative experimentMorel Morel, D. A.
2014Temporal aspects of fiction conceptsphereOgneva, E. A.
2021The concept of basic human values in Oriental and Occidental cultures: linguistic representationDanilova, E. S.
2021The features of the concept "faithfulness"Kuptsova, Yu. A.
2014The problem of interaction of concepts guilt/вина and conscience/совесть in the Russian and English linguoculturesProkhorova, O. N.; Chekulai, I. V.; Kuprieva, I. A.; Peresypkin, A. P.; Balashova, O. V.
2022The triad conscience-shame-consciousness in Russian and French: a notional aspectMarkevich, Yu. V.
2012To the problem of differentiation of notions in modern cognitive linguistics = К проблеме разграничения понятий в современной когнитивной лингвистикеTrubayeva, E. I.
2017Understanding the notion "mariagge" in british lingvoculture (by means of its verbalization)Pupynina, E. V.; Pugach, V. S.; Smirnova, S. V.; Kuchmistyy, V. A.; Yatsenko, Y. N.