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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Changes in society and education: educational policies and christian valuesTrifunovic, V. S.
2017Contrastive analysis of the English and Russian language picture of the world = Сопоставление языковой картины мира англичан и русскихKozlova, L. Ya.
2022Cross cultural communication: cooperation between Colombia and RussiaMoreno Barbosa, S. E.; Bubyreva, Z. A.; Lukyanova, E. V.
2014Cuisine, culture, and politics in Russia and Eastern Europe: the food for thought symposium = Кулинарное искусство, культура и политика в России и Восточной Европе: пища для размышленийJacobs, A. K.
2017Dictionaries et culture(s)Pruvost, J.
2023English idioms and phrases as the reflection of language and culture symbiosisBaghana, Zh.; Wang, Q.; Bissenbayeva, Zh.
2021French linguoculture and methods of language and discourse representation of emotion "joie" (joy)Sedykh, A. P.; Buzinova, L. M.; Bykanova, M. S.; Legochkina, E. N.; Ukhnaleva, E. A.
2018Language as a reflection of sociocultural norms and behaviorsAvetisyan, N. G.; Voskanyan, S. K.
2022Linguistic and cultural identity: epistemological reviewSedykh, A. P.; Valerio Emanuele; Kugan, E. I.
2020Low trust in a time of plagueTurner, I.
2016Modern anthropology crisis and personal identity in subculturesBorisov, S. N.; Ignatov, M. A.; Rymskaya, O. N.; Starikov, N. V.
2019On the issue of the cultural value system crisisKovaleva, M. V.
2016Poetry Translation: Artistic and Cultural ProblemsSana Mahmoud Jarrar
2013Problems of interethnic education of students of higher educational institutions = Проблемы межнационального воспитания студентов высших учебных заведенийBondarchuk, A. I.
2019Semantic features of the phraseological units with the component light within the artistic discourseKuprieva, I. A.; Smirnova, S. B.; Belova, L. V.; Pugach, V. S.; Belozerova, M. S.; Lazareva, N. S.
2015Summary of the socio-cultural rights from the point of psychologyMelnikova, N. V.
2021The importance of teaching intercultural competencies in an EFL classroom: a case study conducted at the Faculty of Law of a certain UniversityFisnike Pllana
2014Universal and ethnic features of indo-european onymsKhvesko, T. V.
2016University and the capitalization of knowledge in the modern eraRimskii, V. P.; Ignatov, I. B.; Borisov, S. N.; Kolesnikova, I. G.
2024Zen buddhism in tradition, culture and society of JapanMaksimovich, M.; Blagoevich, M.