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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Adaptive design in clinical development of next-in-class drugsVostokova, N. V.; Trakhtenberg, Y. A.; Smolyarchuk, E. A.; Svistunov, A. A.; Serebrova, S. Y.
2020Features of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus in schizotypal disorderErmilov, O. V.; Tretyakov, A. Yu.; Romasenko, L. V.; Zhernakova, N. I.; Rudycheva, E. S.
2022Molecular mechanisms of myocardial damage in the hypertensive rats and hypertensive rats with metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis)Belenichev, I. F.; Abramov, A. V.; Puzyrenko, A.; Bukhtiyarova, N. V.; Gorchakova, N. O.
2019New approaches to the study of elementosis in obstetricsPavlova, T. V.; Pilkevich, N. B.; Petrukhin, V. A.; Malyutina, E. S.; Nesterov, A. N.; Markovskaya, V. A.
2020New aspects in the study of clinical and morphological features of uterine blood flow in type 1 diabetes mellitus in the motherPavlova, T. V.; Kaplin, A. N.; Zemlianskaia, L. O.; Pilkevich, N. B.; Pavlova, L. A.
2020New aspects in the study of clinical and morphological new aspects in the study of blood in type II diabetes mellitusPavlova, T. V.; Kulikovskij, V. F.; Kaplin, A. N.; Povalyaeva, I. I.; Zemlianskaia, L. O.; Pavlova, L. A.
2023Pancreatic β-cell protective effect of novel GABA derivatives in rats with type 2 diabetesTyurenkov, I. N.; Bakulin, D. A.; Velikorodnaya, Yu. I.; Borisov, A. V.; Abrosimova, E. E.
2021Pathomorphological indicators of endothelial - erythrocytic dysfunction in type I diabetes: from the period of reproduction to the elderly and senile agePavlova, T. V.; Kaplin, A. N.; Povalyaeva, I. I.; Pavlova, L. A.; Goncharov, I. Yu.
2017Possible ways of pharmacological correction of ischemic damage to the liver with the agonist of peripheral imidazoline receptors C7070Dovgan, A. P.; Urojevskaya, J. S.; Khavansky, A. V.
2018Possible ways of pharmacological correction of ischemic liver damages using aronist of peripheral imidazoline receptors C7070Dovgan, A. P.; Povetkin, S. V.; Batishcheva, G. A.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Pokrovsky, V. M.; Urozhevskaya, Z. S.
2011Vitamin D - a remark on the known and a survey of the lesser-known factsKubesova, H. M.; Tumova, J.; Polcarova, V.; Meluzinova, H.