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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008About regional indicators of steady development (On an example of the Belgorod area) = О региональных индикаторах устойчивого развития (на примере Белгородской области)Kornilov, A. G.; Petin, A. N.
2024Anthropocentric views on women and nature through the concepts of gyn/ecology and ecofeminism in Anuradha Roy’s The Folded EarthAugustus, K.; Gnanadurai, C.
2016Application of basin approach for soil and water protection geoplanning of territory and environmental managementGrigoreva, O. I.; Buryak, Z. A.
2022Assessment of the phytoremediation potential of aquatic plants of the Belgorod region for wastewater treatmentTokhtar, V. K.; Tretiakov, M. Yu.; Zelenkova, V. N.; Petrunova, T. V.
2021Dynamic trends of 100-year anthropogenic vegetation cover under the influence of the white Sea-Baltic CanalVampilova, L. B.
2020Ecological and biological features of phacelia tanacetifolia benth. in various ecotopes of Southern European RussiaCherniavskih, V. I.; Dumacheva, E. V.; Konoplev, V. V.; Glubsheva, T. N.; Korolkova, S. V.
2011Enhacing the effectiveness of fixing dusty sufaes dumpsAdonina, T. V.; Drozhzhin, S. P.
2020Features of creating environmental institutional conditions for the functioning of Arctic StatesSamarina, V. P.; Skufina, T. P.; Samarin, A. V.
2019Floral complexes with the involvement of Adonis Vernalis L. (fam. Ranunculaceae juss.) and environmental assessment of the conditions of their formation in the Southwest of Central-Russian UplandTokhtar, V. K.; Kirilova, I. A.; Tokhtar, L. A.; Kaliuzhnaya, E. V.
2014Geo-Ecological Problems of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly in the Russian Federation, Ways And Means for Their RemedyPetin, A. N.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Petina, V. I.
2014Hazards and risks of emergencies in Belgorod regionSemenikhina, S. S.
2013Lebedinsky and Stoylensky pits as objects of ecological tourism of the Belgorod regionIgnatenko, E.
2014Mineral resources and environmentKomashchenko, V.; Drebenstedt, C.; Komashchenko, S.
2019Opportunities for the analysis of the spatial ecological structure of the mycobiota of macromycetes of a natural-territorial entity (the case of the Botanical Garden of Belgorod University, Belgorod, Russia)Dunaev, A. V.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Dunaeva, E. N.; Kalugina, S. V.; Kalyuzhnaya, E. V.
2011Pastures in the zone of temperate climate: trends for development, dynamics, ecological fundamentals of rational useLisetskii, F. N.; Chernyavskikh, V. I.; Degtyar, O. V.
2015Perspective Approaches to the Directional Selection of Plant Species for Revegetation of Ore Mining Dumps of Kursk Magnetic AnomalyPolukhin, O. N.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Petin, A. N.; Martynova, N. A.; Petina, M. A.
2021Physical modeling of various processes in development of the system for monitoring the concentration of suspended particles in the airVelichko, M. A.; Chernyavskikh, S. D.; Vitokhina, N. N.; Bugaevskaya, A. N.; Ostapenko, S. I.; Motkina, N. N.
2014Rehabilitation of disturbed areas for the development of ecological frame mining and industrial areas of KMADrozdova, E. A.; Kornilov, A. G.; Listopad, M. V.
2016Scientific rationale for inclusion of a new nature complex Belyj Kolodez (Russia, Belgorod Region) into the emerald networkGusev, A. V.; Ermakova, E. I.; Buryak, Z. A.
2016Steppe ecosystem functioning of East-European plain under age-long climatic change influenceLisetskiy, F. N.; Pichura, V.