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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Can gestures communicate the time of described events? The perception of temporal gestures executed by a companion robotKotov, A. A.; Zinina, A. A.; Arinkin, N. A.; Berkuta, D. V.
2018Correction of retinal ischemia/reperfusion by 3-(1H-benzimidazol-2-il)-1,2,2-trimethyl cyclopentancarbonic acid in experimentPeresypkina, A. A.; Levkova, E. A.; Yakushev, V. I.; Bunyatyan, N. D.; Churnosov, M. I.
2018DarkSide-20k: A 20 tonne two-phase LAr TPC for direct dark matter detection at LNGSAalseth, C. E.; Acerbi, F.; Agnes, P.; Alexander, T.; Kubankin, A.
2016Experimental justification of new way of pharmacological correction for contact frostbite using dslet opioid peptide and serotonin adipinate to enhance surgycal treatmenChigunadze, A. L.; Artyushkova, E. B.; Mishustin, V. N.; Goryainova, G. N.; Artyushkova, E. V.
2015Metal extraction from ore benefication codas by means of lixiviation in a disintegratorGolik, V. I.; Razorenov, Y. I.; Polukhin, O. N.
2015Microscopic features of buccal epithelium in smokers students indo-dravidian race: by E. HootonAsadov R, I.Ogly; Morozova, E. N.; Zabolotnaya, S. V.; Mikhailik, T. A.; Morozov, V. N.
2009Morphological basis of optimal parameters in helium-neon radiation for recovering of epithelium damage in the experimentKrikun, E. N.; Suprun, S. N.; Krikun, Y. E.; Kapustin, R. F.
1994Observation of an interference of coherent bremsstrahlung and parametric mechanisms for radiation by relativistic electrons in a crystalBlazhevich, S. V.; Bochec, G. L.; Gavrikov, V. B.
2018The influence of film criticism on the interpretation of the film by the audienceManokhin, D. K.; Srybnaya, M. A.; Tyazhlov, Y. I.; Ushakova, S. V.
2009Variations in morpho-functional indexes of newborns depending on the nature of the delivery process and mother’s occupationKrikun, E. N.; Boldyr, V. V.; Kapustin, R. F.
2024Written vs generated text: "naturalness" as a textual and psycholinguistic categoryKolmogorova, A. V.; Margolina, A. V.