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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Application of basin approach for soil and water protection geoplanning of territory and environmental managementGrigoreva, O. I.; Buryak, Z. A.
2014Basin Organizations of Nature Use, Belgorod region = Бассейновая организация природопользования в Белгородской областиLisetskii, F. N.; Buryak, J. A.; Zemlyakova, A. V.; Pichura, V. I.
2021Dynamic trends of 100-year anthropogenic vegetation cover under the influence of the white Sea-Baltic CanalVampilova, L. B.
2014Geo-Ecological Problems of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly in the Russian Federation, Ways And Means for Their RemedyPetin, A. N.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Petina, V. I.
2020Geoecological problems of flow formation in the White Sea water area (on the example of the Kostomuksha ore cluster)Vampilova, L.; Brodskaya, N.; Lisetskii, F.
2017Geoecological problems of urban land pollution in contact zones with iron ore productionZibrov, G. V.; Zakusilov, V. P.; Buryak, Z. A.
2015Implementation of the Basin-Administrative and Ecoregional Approaches to Environmentally Oriented Arrangement Inter-settlement Areas of the Belgorod Region = Реализация бассейново-административного и экорегионального подходов при экологически ориентированном обустройстве межселенных территорий Белгородской областиLisetsky, F. N.; Buryak, J. A.; Grigoreva, O. I.; Marinina, O. A.; Martsinevskaya, L. V.
2018Study of natural formation and anthropogenic change in soils for sustainable land-useMartsinevskaya L. V.; Sazonova N. V.; Solovyov A. B.; Yudina Y. V.