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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Die methodischen schritte bei der arbeit an einem fremdsprachigen textПеревышина, И. Р.
2012Evaluation through morphology: a cognitive perspective = Оценка морфологии: когнитивная перспективаBesedina, N. A.
2014Human appearance and nature features exemplified by English compound adjectivesBaghana, J.; Kravchenko, O. N.
2016 Hypocrisy as a form of social behaviour represented by idioms in the English languageFedyunina, I. E.; Kuzmicheva, V. A.; Lyashenko, I. V.
2012Improving English for specific purposes skills of postgraduate students in computer-supported learning environmentShumakova, I.; Tsurikova, L.; Bocharova, E.; Petrunova, T.; Gaidukova, N.
2014Language system contacts or intersystem factors?Prokhorova, O. N.; Baghana, Je.; Bondarenko, E. V.
2014Morphology of number in English: a cognitive perspectiveBesedina, N. A.; Stepanenko, S. N.; Fedotova, O. V.; Sherstyokova, Ye. V.
2004On the paradigm of causative constructions=Парадигмы причинных конструкцийAmatov, A. M.
2015The problem of cognitive-semantic grounds for verbs polysemy in EnglishKapuhra, N. V.; Drozdova, T .V.; Karpova, I. A.