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Showing results 1 to 20 of 54  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Analysis of Involvement of Cytokine Genetic Polymorphisms in Development of Genital EndometriosisChurnosov, M. I.; Altuchova, O. B.; Demakova, N. A.; Evdokimov, V. I.; Sorokina, I. N.
2024Anthropocentric views on women and nature through the concepts of gyn/ecology and ecofeminism in Anuradha Roy’s The Folded EarthAugustus, K.; Gnanadurai, C.
2015Association of genetic polymorphisms rs4374421, rs7759938 and rs466639 with uterine hyperplastic processesPolonikov, A.; Krivoshei, I.; Churnosov, M.
2019Association of genetic polymorphisms with age at menarche in Russian womenPonomarenko, I.; Reshetnikov, E.; Altuchova, A.; Sorokina, I.; Churnosov, M.
2015Association study of genetic polymorphisms of vasoactive hormones with the risk of preeclampsiaPolonikov, A.; Elykova, A.; Sorokina, I.; Efremova, O.; Churnosov, M.
2014Associations of Cytokines Genetic Variants with Myomatous Knots SizesChurnosov, M. I.; Altuchova, O. B.; Demakova, N. A.; Krivoshei, I. V.; Evdokimov, V. I.
2017Associations of insertion-deletion polymorphism of angiotensin-converting enzyme with the risk of preeclampsia development among pregnant women in Central RussiaReshetnikov, E. A.; Yakunchenko, T. I.; Aristova, I. K.; Polonikov, A. V.; Churnosov, M. I.
2017Bioinformatic analysis of candidate genes for endometrial hyperplasiaPonomarenko, V. I.; Sorokina, I. N.; Rudyh, N. A.; Polonikov, A. V.; Churnosov, M. I.
2015Bioinformatic Analysis of the Liability to the Hyperplastic Processes of the UterusKrivoshei, I. V.; Altuchova, O. B.; Polonikov, A. V.; Churnosov, M. I.
2016Can activation of TLR3 induce apoptosis in patients with miscarriages?Lebedeva, O.; Zhukova, I.; Bashmakov, V.; Popov, V.
2016Can TLR3 influence to p53 and p63 apoptosis pathways in early miscarriages?Lebedeva, O.; Zhukova, I.; Bashmakov, V.; Yakovleva, O.; Starceva, N.
2018Candidate genes and clinical-laboratory indices in pregnant women depending on the development of preeclampsiaReshetnikov, E. A.; Kulikovskii, V. F.; Batlutskaya, I. V.; Iakunchenko, T. I.; Churnosov, M. I.
2018Candidate genes and clinical-laboratory parameters in pregnant women with preeclampsiaReshetnikov, E. A.; Sorokina, I. N.; Krikun, E. N.; Orlova, L. S.; Evdokimov, V. I.
2023Cervical and vaginal microbiomes in early miscarriages and ongoing pregnancy with and without dydrogesterone usageGryaznova, M.; Kozarenko, O.; Smirnova, Yu.; Burakova, I.; Lebedeva, O.
2016Combination of genes rs2241423, rs12444979 and rs6732220 spreading analysis in patients with hyperplastic processes of the uterusKrivoshey, I. V.; Altuhova, O. B.; Krikun, E. N.; Churnosov, M. I.; Kapustin, R. F.
2019Correction of asymmetric dimethylarginine-like pre-eclampsia in rats by micronized purified flavonoids fractionAntsiferova, O. E.; Yurakova, A. V.; Lukyanova, Y. S.; Gureev, V. V.; Korokin, M. V.
2017Epistatic interactions in formation of hysteromyomaPonomarenko, V. I.; Altuchova, O. B.; Kulikovskiy, V. F.; Batlutkaya, I. V.; Churnosov, M. I.
2011Estimation of oocytes quality while comparing two protocols of stimulation of superovulations among women with ovary cystic diseaseBatyreva, L. A.; Kulikova, S. S.; Lipunova, E. A.
2021Estrogens and uterine fibroids: an integrated viewAlsudairi, H. N.
2016Expression of indaleamine 2,3-dioxygenase mRNA in patients with spontaneous miscarriages at early stages of pregnancyLebedeva, O. P.; Yakovleva, O. N.; Pakhomov, S. P.; Churnosov, M. I.; Korotkikh, I. N.