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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Adaptive potential assessment of future teachers at the first stage of their professional trainingVoloshina, L. N.; Buslovskaya, L. K.; Kovtunenko, A. Yu.; Ryzhkova, Yu. P.; Prokopenko, Yu. A.
2019Evaluation of the adaptive potential of first-graders with normal speech development and speech disordersVoloshina, L. N.; Buslovskaya, L. K.; Kovtunenko, A. Yu.; Klimova, V. K.; Ryzhkova, Yu. P.
2011Genesis of health - oriented physical culture at schools of Russia (the end of the XIX century - the 80s of the XX century)Irhin, V.; Irhina, I.
2021Law institute cadets’ physical and health progress analysisTretyakov, A. A.; Nikulina, T. V.; Sokorev, V. V.; Rutskoy, I. A.
2021Physical activity in preshoolers’ values system: questionnare surveyVoloshina, L. N.; Kondakov, V. L.; Kopeikina, E. N.; Savelyeva, T. V.
2019Preservation of student health at university class exercise: implementation technologyIrkhin, V. N.; Irkhina, I. V.; Mikhneva, A. G.; Nikulina, T. V.; Peresypkin, A. P.
2022Readiness of adolescents for self-preservation of health in the information educational spaceKapalygina, I. I.; Voloshin, L. N.; Kondakov, V. L.; Kopeikin, E. N.
2018Respiratory gymnastics for students with cardiological diseasesKopeikina, E.; Bogoeva, M.; Kondakov, V.; Iermakov, S.; Gorelov, A.
2019Self-preserving dispositions and strategies of modern Russian youthShapovalova, I. S.; Polukhin, O. N.; Kisilenko, A. V.; Peresypkin, A. P.; Verzunova, L. V.
2012The development of Russian health-care system: problems and prospectsKononova, E. V.; Kamyshanchenko, E. N.; Proshaev, K. I.; Gorelik, S. G.
2020The health in the value system of Russian youth: contradictory discursive practicesVangorodskaya, S. A.; Babintsev, V. P.; Shmarion, Yu. V.; Konev, I. V.; Nadutkina, I. E.
2019The sociological concept of the phenomenon of self-preserving behaviorShapovalova, I. S.; Vangorodskaya, S. A.; Shevchenko, O. V.; Funikova, S. V.; Mamatova, N. A.
2018The system of medical and pedagogical support of students' health in the educational process of the universityIrkhin, V. N.; Irkhina, I. V.; Nikulina, T. V.; Nikulin, I. N.; Peresypkin, A. P.
2013Понятийная, образная и ценностная составляющие содержательной структуры концептов "beauty" и "health" в современном английском языкеБезруков, П. Н.