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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Borrowings and xenisms in modern linguistics: congolese frenchBaghana, J.; Razumova, L. V.
2020Lexical interaction of the modern Greek language with Germanic and Romance languages (with reference to the vocabulary of English, French and modern Greek languages)Boichuk, I. V.; Eshchenko, I. O.; Kupina, N. I.; Lukyanova, E. V.; Bubyreva, Zh. A.
2023Models of word-formation in loan toponyms in German and FrenchKoteneva, I. A.; Krivchikova, N. L.; Melnikova, Yu. N.; Timoshilova, T. M.
2024Numeric domain names and national domains: trends in Internet onomasticsDubinina, M. N.
2014Polymodality of the verbs of perception : As exemplified by the western romance languagesMoiseeva, S. A.
2023Range of associations to Russian abstract and concrete nouns = Спектр ассоциаций к русским абстрактным и конкретным существительнымSolovyev, V. D.; Volskaya, Y. A.; Akhtiamov, R. B.
2023Terminology use in school textbooks: corpus analysis = Школьный учебный текст в аспекте терминоупотребления: корпусный анализMonakhov, S. I.; Turchanenko, V. V.; Cherdakov, D. N.