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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Architecture of information structure: implications from the t-model on the realisation aspects of topic and focus using examples from modern standard Arabic, English and Turkish languagesAhmed Alduais
2017Epistemic modality in political discourseMilkovich, M.; Sitarica, A.
2020Ideological narrative in modern American political discourseAmatov, A. M.; Sedykh, A. P.; Ivanichcheva, O. N.; Sidorova, T. A.; Zamarina, E. V.
2020Metaphor of war in political discourseAmatov, A. M.; Sedykh, A. P.; Ivanishcheva, O. N.; Bolgova, E. V.; Bolgova, N. S.
2020Politician's linguistic personality as key figure of institutional discourseSedykh, A. P.; Ivanishcheva, O. N.; Sidorova, T. A.; Bolgova, E. V.; Bolgova, N. S.
2015Rethinking discourse analysis: back to FoucaultKozhemyakin, E. A.; Polonskiy, A. V.; Yakuba, Ya. O.; Korolyova, K. Y.
2017Thematic Affinities of "Khosrow and Shirin" and "Romeo and Juliet"Mahdieh Boostani; Panchanan Dalai