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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004A comparison of algorithms for the normalization and quantization of polynomial hamiltoniansUwano, Y.; Gusev, A. A.; Chekanov, N. A.; Rostovtsev, V. A.; Vinitsky, S. I.
2005A MAPLE symbolic-numeric program for solving the 2D-eigenvalue problem by a self-consistent basis methodUwano, Y.; Belyaeva, I. N.; Chekanov, N. A.; Gusev, A. A.; Rostovtsev, V. A.; Ukolov, Yu. A.; Vinitsky, S. I.
2005Dynamics of nematics with conformational degrees of freedomIvashin, A. P.; Kovalevsky, M. Yu.; Logvinova, L. V.
2002Effect of particle surface heating on the sedimentation rateMalai, N. V.; Shchukin, E. R.; Yalamov, Yu. I.
2000Flow of a liquid about a nonuniformly heated droplet with arbitrary temperature differences in its vicinityMalai, N. V.
2008Gravity-Induced motion of a uniformly heated solid particle in a gaseous medium = Гравитационное движение равномерно нагретой твердой частицы в газообразной средеMalai, N. V.; Shchukin, E. R.; Stukalov, A. A.; Ryazanov, K. S.
2004Influence of internal heat release on the thermophoresis of a solid spheroidally shaped aerosol particleMalai, N. V.; Pleskanev, A. A.
2002Motion of a heated spheroidal particle at low Reynolds numbersMalai, N. V.
2001Motion through a viscous liquid of a heated spheroidal solid particle under conditions of uniform internal heat releaseMalai, N. V.; Shchukin, E. R.; Yalamov, Yu. I.
2008New equation for average topological characteristics of the interphase surface in heterogeneous mediaBushlanov, V. P.
2002On the flow of a viscous liquid around a heated spheroidal particleMalai, N. V.
2011On the force acting on a heated spherical drop moving in a gaseous medlumMalai, N. V.; Ryazanov, K. S.; Shchukin, E. R.; Stukalov, A. A.
2010On the gravitational motion of a nonuniformly heated solid particle in a gaseous mediumMalai, N. V.; Shchukin, E. R.; Stukalov, A. A.; Ryazanov, K. S.
2002On the motion of a uniformly heated drop in a viscous liquid under gravityMalai, N. V.
2003On the thermophoresis of a spheroidal solid aerosol particleMalai, N. V.; Shchukin, E. R.
2002On the thermophoretic motion of a heated spherical drop in a viscous liquidMalai, N. V.
2007Spektral properties of the two-dimensional muiltiwell potentialChekanov, N. A.; Shevchenko, E. V.
2018Statistical mechanics study of the thermodynamics of binary alloys with long-rang interactionDanilova, L. P.; Virchenko, Y. P.
2021Statistical properties of the transverse-motion energy levels for channeling electrons in a silicon crystal under dynamical chaos conditionsSyshchenko, V. V.; Tarnovsky, A. I.
2007Symbolic-numeric solution of the two-dimensional Schrodinger equation with double-well potentialBelyaeva, I. N.; Chekanov, N. A.; Gusev, A. A.; Lukianenko, A. N.; Rostovtsev, V. A.; Vinitsky, S. I.