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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996Aggregate composition of soils, its assessment and monitoringBulygin, S. Yu.
2022Content and Balance of Trace Elements (Co, Mn, Zn) in Agroecosystems of the Central Chernozemic Region of RussiaLukin, S. V.; Zhuikov, D. V.
2014Geo-Ecological Problems of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly in the Russian Federation, Ways And Means for Their RemedyPetin, A. N.; Tokhtar, V. K.; Petina, V. I.
2018Methodological aspects of monitoring implementation in public sector organizationsTkhorikov, B. A.; Lomovceva, O. A.; Dakhova, M. N.; Polukhin, O. N.; Gerasimenko, O. A.
2018Monitoring in the control system of the territoriesSlinkova, O.K.; Slinkov, A.M.; Yasenok, S.N.; Glumova, Ya.G.; Zdorovets, Yu.
2016Monitoring of exogenous geological processes in Stary Oskol - Gubkin mining region of Kursk magnetic anomalyPolygalova, A. Y.; Bugaeva, E. A.; Petin, A. N.
2021Monitoring of the new identities (Salafi and Sunni) in Islam and the role of social conflictsTodorova, B.
2010Open access to scientific knowledge. Who receives dividends?Moskovkin, V. M.
2015Peculiarities of the social chronotopes of the boundary regions of Russia and UkraineBabintsev, V. P.; Babintseva, H. I.; Bykhtin, O. V.; Pasttyuk, A. V.; Sapryka, V. A.
2017Specifics of cultural-civilization identity development in the frontier regions of russia and ukraine: diagnostic problemsBabintsev, V. P.; Gaidukova, G. N.; Serkina, Ya. I.; Pasttyuk, A. V.
2017The monitoring of the irregular disturbances in the arctic on the basis of the processing data of the distributed network of the geophysical observatoriesKuzichkin, O. R.; Dorofeev, N. V.; Romanov, R. V.; Bykov, A. A.