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Browsing by Subject montmorillonite

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Changes in the crystal lattice parameters of montmorillonite during its modification by cobalt and aluminum cationsSokolovskiy, P. V.; Roessner, F.; Vezentsev, A. I.; Konkova, T. V.; Alekhina, M. B.
2019Changes of metabolism in animals due to conditions of a purulent wound process while using photomineralisation as dressing toolsKrut, U. A.; Oleynikova, I. I.; Radchenko, A. I.; Kuzubova, E. V.
2018Effective purification of water from iron lons and potentially pathogenic microorganisms using a montmorillonite composite sorbentVezentsev, A. I.; Peristiy, V. A.; Bukhanov, V. D.; Peristaya, L. F.; Sokolovskiy, P. V.
2021Enterosorbent based on montmorillonite as a promising tool in the treatment and prevention of intestinal disorders in pigsZuev, N.; Bukhanov, V.; Kuzubova, E.; Krut, U.; Shaydorova, G.; Radchenko, A.; Oleinikova, E.
2014Material composition and colloid-chemical properties of natural and modified montmorillonite claysVezentsev, A. I.; Kormosh, E. V.; Peristaya, L. F.; Shamshurov, A. V.; Cherkasov, R. A.
2017Physico-chemical properties of montmorillonite clays and their application in clinical practice (review)Tishin, A. N.; Krut, U. A.; Tishina, O. M.; Beskhmelnitsyna, E. A.; Yakushev, V. I.
2017Preclinical study of pharmacological activity of enterosorbente on the basis of montmorilloniteTishin, A. N.; Tishina, O. M.; Yakushev, V. I.; Beskhmelnitsyna, E. A.; Linnik, M. S.
2017Research of wound healing effect of phytomineralsorbent on the basis of montmorilloniteKrut, U. A.; Shaposhnikov, A. A.; Korokin, M. V.