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Showing results 1 to 20 of 73  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Anomalous peak in the spectrum of polarizational bremsstrahlung from relativistic electrons moving through a solid targetAstapenko, V.; Nasonov, N.; Zhukova, P.
2005Anomalous photoabsorption in the parametric X-rays in conditions of Cherenkov effectNasonov, N.; Zhukova, P.
2006Cherenkov effect and parametric X-raysKubankin, A.; Likhachev, V.; Nasonov, N.; Rakitjansky, A.; Zhukova, P.
2017Coherent X-ray radiation along the velocity of relativistic electron crossing a periodic layered mediumBlazhevich, S. V.; Efimtseva, D. N.; Lyushina, K. S.; Shevchuk, O. Yu.; Noskov, A. V.
2020Coherent X-ray radiation excited by a beam of relativistic electrons in a layered periodic structureBlazhevich, S.; Noskov, A.; Shevchuk, O.
2012Coherent X-ray radiation from a relativistic electron in a combined mediumBlazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2012Coherent X-ray radiation generated by a relativistic electron in an artificial periodic structureBlazhevich, S. V.; Kolosova, I. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2013Coherent X-rays excited by a relativistic electron crossing a periodic stratified structure in Bragg scattering geometryBlazhevich, S. V.; Gladkikh, Yu. P.; Noskov, A. V.
1999Collective effects in polarization x-ray bremsstrahlung of relativistic electrons and microstructure analysis of mediaBlazhevich, S. V.; Nasonov, N. N.; Chepurnov, A. S.; Grishin, V. K.; Ishkhanov, B. S.; Petukhov, V. P.; Shvedunov, V. I.
2016Comparison of DTR spectral-angular characteristics of divergent beam of relativistic electrons in scattering geometry of Laue and BraggBlazhevich, S. V.; Koskova, T. V.; Ligidov, A. Z.; Noskov, A. V.
2007Contribution of the second-order born approximation to the coherent bremsstrahlung cross section by relativistic electrons and positrons in crystalsShulga, N. F.; Syshchenko, V. V.
2020Determining the divergence of an ultra-relativistic electron beam from the diffracted transition radiation in a single-crystal targetBlazhevich, S. V.; Bronnikova, M. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2014Diagnostics of nanodisperse polycrystals based on the polarization bremsstrahlung of relativistic electronsAlekseev, V. I.; Eliseev, A. N.; Irribarra, E. F.; Nazhmudinov, P. M.; Nasonov, N. N.
2014Diffracted transition radiation of a relativistic electron in a three-layer structureBlazhevich, S. V.; Zagorodnyuk, R. A.; Noskov, A. V.
2012Diffracted transition radiation of a relativistic electron in the artificial periodic multilayer mediumKolosova, I.; Blazhevich, S. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2020Diffracted transitive radiation as a means for indicating the divergence of an ultrarelativistic electron beamBlazhevich, S. V.; Bronnikova, M. V.; Noskov, A. V.
2010Effect of acoustic wave on the parametric X-ray generation by relativistic electrons in a crystalZhukova, P. N.; Ladnykh, M. S.; Mkrtchyan, A. G.; Mkrtchyan, A. R.; Nasonov, N. N.
2001Effect of anomalous photoabsorption on parametric X-ray radiation from relativistic electronsGary, C. K.; Kaplin, V. V.; Nasonov, N. N.; Piestrup, M. A.; Uglov, S. R.
2023Effect of Multiple Scattering on the Spectral-Angular Density of Diffracted Transition RadiationBlazhevich, S. V.; Gorlov, A. S.; Noskov, A. V.; Fedoseeva, A. E.
2021Effect of the grain size of powder targets on the spectra parametric X-ray radiation of relativistic electronsAlekseev, V. I.; Kishin, I. A.; Klyuev, A. S.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.