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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Achievement of low temperature superplasticity in a commercial aluminum alloy processed by equal-channel angular extrusionMusin F.; Kaibyshev R.; Motohashi Y.; Iitoh G.
2004Achieving superplasticity in the 7055 aluminum alloyKaibyshev, R.; Sakai, T.; Nikulin, I.; Musin, F.
2002Continuous recrystallization in austenitic stainless steel after large strain deformationBelyakov, A.; Sakai, T.; Miura, H.; Kaibyshev, R.; Tsuzaki, K.
2002Effect of Cu and Zr additions on the superplastic behavior of 6061 aluminum alloyKaibyshev R.; Gromov D.; Nieh T.G.; Lesuer D.R.
1998High strain rate superplasticity in a continuously recrystallized Al-6%Mg-0.3%Sc alloyWadsworth, J.; Kaibyshev, R.; Nieh, T. G.; Hsiung, L. M.
1997On the possibility of superplasticity enhanced by dynamic recrystallizationKaibyshev, R.; Galiyev, A.
1997Structure and texture evolution of the metal matrix composite PM2014 Al-20%Al₂O₃ during super plastic deformationKaibyshev, R.; Kazyhanov, V.
2004Superplastic behavior and microstructure evolution in a commercial Al-Mg-Sc alloy subjected to intense plastic strainingMusin, F.; Kaibyshev, R.; Motohashi, Y.; Itoh, G.
2004Superplastic behaviour and microstructure evolution in a commercial ultra-fine grained Al-Mg-Sc alloyMusin F.; Kaibyshev R.; Motohashi Y.; Itoh G.
2003Superplastic response of an advanced Al–Li–Mg–Cu–Sc alloy subjected to intense plastic deformationShagiev M.; Motohashi Y.; Musin F.; Kaibyshev R.; Itoh G.
2001Superplasticity in A 2219 aluminum alloyKaibyshev, R.; Kazakulov, I.; Gromov, D.; Musin, F.; Lesuer, D. R.
2003Superplasticity in a 7055 aluminum alloy subjected to intense plastic deformationKaibyshev R.; Sakai T.; Nikulin I.; Musin F.; Goloborodko A.
1994The influence of reinforced elements on deformation behavior of the aluminum alloyKaibyshev, R.; Kazyhanov, V.; Astanin, V.; Evangelista, E.
1997The nature of influence of reinforcing element distribution on superplastic deformation behavior of a metal matrix compositeKaibyshev, R.; Kazykhanov, V.; Bampton, C. C.
2002The role of grain boundary sliding in microstructural evolution during superplastic deformation of a 7055 aluminum alloyKaibyshev R.; Goloborodko A.; Musin F.; Nikulin I.; Sakai T.