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Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Achieving high strain rate superplasticity in an Al-Li-Mg alloy through equal channel angular extrusionKaibyshev, R.; Shipilova, K.; Musin, F.; Motohashi, Y.
2020EBSD study of superplastically strained Al-Mg-Li alloyMyshlyaev, M.; Mironov, S.; Korznikova, G.; Konkova, T.; Korznikova, E.
2022EBSD study of superplasticity: New insight into a well-known phenomenonMyshlyaev, M.; Mironov, S.; Korznikova, G.; Konkova, T.; Korznikova, E.
2002Effect of Cu and Zr additions on the superplastic behavior of 6061 aluminum alloyKaibyshev R.; Gromov D.; Nieh T.G.; Lesuer D.R.
2008Effect of nonuniform size distribution of submicrocrystalline structure elements on the mechanical properties of an alloy Ti-6Al-4VRatochka, I. V.; Lykova, O. N.; Kolobov, Yu. R.; Manzhula, A. Yu.
2004High strain rate superplasticity in a commercial Al–Mg–Sc alloyMusin F.; Kaibyshev R.; Motohashi Y.; Itoh G.
2002High strain rate superplasticity in an Al-Li-Mg alloy subjected to equal-channel angular extrusionMusin F.; Kaibyshev R.; Motohashi Y.; Sakuma T.; Itoh G.
2006High strain rate superplasticity in an Al–Mg–Sc–Zr alloy subjected to simple thermomechanical processingKaibyshev, R.; Avtokratova, E.; Apollonov, A.; Davies, R.
2018Hot deformation behavior and processing maps of B and Gd containing β- solidified TiAl based alloySokolovsky, V. S.; Stepanov, N. D.; Zherebtsov, S. V.; Nochovnaya, N. A.; Salishchev, G. A.
2018Research on submicron-grained structure formation in titanium alloys upon reversible hydrogenation and plastic deformationPanin, P. V.; Manokhin, S. S.; Dzunovich, D. A.
1997Structure and texture evolution of the metal matrix composite PM2014 Al-20%Al₂O₃ during super plastic deformationKaibyshev, R.; Kazyhanov, V.
2003Superplastic behavior in Al-Li-Mg-Cu-Sc alloy sheetShagiev, M.; Motohashi, Y.; Musin, F.; Kaibyshev, R.; Itoh, G.
2005Superplastic behavior of an Al-Li-Cu-Mg alloyKaibyshev, R.
2003Superplastic behavior of an Al-Mg alloy at elevated temperaturesKaibyshev, R.; Musin, F.; Lesuer, D. R.; Nieh, T. G.
2022Superplastic behavior of fine-grained Al-Mg-Li alloyKorznikova, G. F.; Khalikova, G. R.; Mironov, S. Yu.; Aletdinov, A. F.; Korznikova, E. A.
2022Superplastic behavior of friction-stir welded Al-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy in ultrafine-grained conditionVysotskii, I.; Malopheyev, S.; Mironov, S.; Kaibyshev, R.
2004Superplastic blow forming of 2219 aluminum alloyKaibyshev, R.; Kazakulov, I.; Gromov, D.; Lesuer, D. R.; Nieh, T. G.
1997Superplastic deformation of the 2009-15% SiCw compositeKaibychev, R.; Kazyhanov, V.; Bampton, C. C.
2005Superplasticity in a 7055 aluminum alloy processed by ECAE and subsequent isothermal rollingNikulin, I.; Kaibyshev, R.; Sakai, T.
2004Superplasticity in a magnesium alloy subjected to isothermal rollingGaliyev, A.; Kaibyshev, R.