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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Association of C3435T (rs1045642) polymorphism of the MDR1 gene with the increased risk of colorectal cancer in russian females from Central RussiaMoskalev, A. S.; Barysheva, E. M.; Soldatov, V. O.; Frolova, O. G.; Churnosov, M. I.
2014Bile a-Amylase and Lipase - Possible Predictors of Acute Pancreatitis in Case of Bile Duct Stone Impacted at the Major Duodenal PapillaKulikovskiy, V. F.; Iarosh, A. L.; Soloshenko, A. V.; Karpachev, A. A.; Nikolaev, S. B.
2020Could the results of posterior colporrhaphy and levatoroplasty be improved by abdominal sacrocolporectopexy?Oleynik, N. V.; Kulikovsky, V. F.; Abulatifa, A.; Krivchikova, A. P.; Bratisheva, N. N.; Alenicheva, M. S.; Naumov, A. A.; Storojilov, D. A.
2014Diagnostics and Treatment of Acute Biliary PancreatitisKulikovskiy, V. F.; Iarosh, A. L.; Soloshenko, A. V.; Karpachev, A. A.; Francev, S. P.
2016Endoscopic biliary stenting for post-cholecystectomy bile leaksKulikovskiy, V. F.; Karpachev, A. A.; Soloshenko, A. V.; Yarosh, A. L.; Nikolaev, S. B.
2014Endoscopic Drainage of the Pancreatic Pseudocyst through the Stomach or Duodenal WallKulikovskiy, V. F.; Karpachev, A. A.; Soloshenko, A. V.; Iarosh, A. L.; Nikolaev, S. B.
2019Endoscopic surgical interventions in the treatment of periampullary cancerKarpachev, A. A.; Soloshenko, A. V.; Kulikovsky, V. F.; Yarosh, A. L.; Gostishev, V. K.; Frantsev, S. P.; Oleynik, N. V.; Gnashko, A. V.
2014Frailty Syndrome and Main Geriatric Syndromes in Surgical Clinical PictureGorelik, S. G.; Lutsenko, V. D.; Prashchayeu, K. I.; Volkov, D. V.; Bogat, S. V.
2020How to optimize surgical treatment of chronic anal fissure combined with rectocele in womenKulikоvsky, V. F.; Оleynik, N. V.; Krivсhikоva, A. P.; Aleniсheva, M. S.; Yarosh, A. I.
2019Influence of silver-ion-containing pharmacotherapeutic system for repair of anterior abdominal wall on connective tissue formation in experimentMishina, E. S.; Zatolokina, M. A.; Gureeva, A. V.; Gureev, V. V.; Elagina, K. A.
2015Local inflammatory reaction at soft tissue defects reconstructionKulikovskiy, V. F.; Mishustin, V. N.; Iarosh, A. L.; Soloshenko, A. V.; Oganesyan, A. A.
2016Matrix metalloproteinase-9 as a biomarker predicting male fertilityMagomedov, M. M.; Magomedbekov, R. E.
2009Mini-Accessed to the organs of over-peritoneal area in an experimentSperanskiy, S. L.; Krikun, E. N.; Kapustin, R. F.
2018New phenomena in the clinical and morphological aspects of osteoporosisPavlova, T. V.; Bashuk, I. P.; Pilkevich, N. B.; Pavlova, L. A.
2018Posterior colporrhaphy and levatoroplasty versus abdominal sacral colpopexy combined with stapled trance-anal resection (STARR) for the surgical treatment of rectocele concomitant with rectal mucosal prolapseKulikovsky, V. F.; Oleynik, N. V.; Krivchikova, A. P.; Bratisheva, N. N.; Alenicheva, M. S.
2018Rare branching pattern of the subscapular arteryTverskoi, A. V.; Morozov, V. N.; Petrichko, S. A.; Pushkarskiy, V. V.; Parichuk, A. S.
2016The advantages of the abdominal sacral colpopexy combined with stapled trance-anal resection of the rectal mucosal prolapse (STARR) for the surgical treament of perineum descending syndromeKulikovsky, V. F.; Oleynik, N. V.; Storogilov, D. A.; Naumov, A. V.; Krivchikova, A. P
2015The Effect of a Frailty Management Program on the Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients after Surgical TreatmentGorelik, S. G.; Lutsenko, V. D.; Prashchayeu, K. I.; Tatyanenko, T. N.
2017The role of apical support and rectal mucosal prolapse excision in successful treatment of rectocele combined with perineum descending: short-term and follow-up resultsKulikovsky, V. F.; Oleynik, N. V.; Krivchikova, A. P.; Storogilov, D. A.; Naumov, A. V.
2014The Use of Diamond - Like Carbon Coated Surgical Polypropylene Meshes for Incisional Hernia RepairKulikovskiy, V. F.; Soloshenko, A. V.; Iarosh, A. L.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Kolpakov, A. I.