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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Agent model for evaluating efficiency of regional human resourceMamatov, A. V.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Mashkova, A. L.; Savina, O. A.
2019Assessment of physicians’ and medical majors’ knowledge of asthma basics: current results of the ASSA-II studyBontsevich, R. A.; Mikhno, A. V.; Dudchenko, O. V.; Batisheva, G. A.; Prozorova, G. G.
2015Assessment of senior dental students and dental residents in matters of antimicrobial chemotherapyBontsevich, R. A.; Shchurovskaya, K. V.; Pokrovskaya, T. G.; Goryainova, L. Y.
2018Assessment of senior medical care majors’ knowledge in antimicrobial chemotherapyBontsevich, R. A.; Kirienko, J. A.; Bogatova, V. E.; Miliutina, E. V.; Kovalenko, V. S.
2022Beliefs about multilingualism with respect to translanguaging: a survey among pre-service efl teachers in IndonesiaPutrawan, G. E.; Sinaga, T.; Mahpul; Poh, S. K.; Dekhnich, O. V.
2020Motivational and personal differences of students with dissimilar degrees of self-realization in higher school educationShutenko, A. I.; Shutenko, E. N.; Derevyanko, Yu. P.; Kanishcheva, M. A.; Kovtun, J. J.; Lokteva, A. V.
2020Pharmacotherapy and other aspects of senior medical students’ knowledge in community-acquired pneumonia: the final results of the KNOCAP II projectBontsevich, R. A.; Gavrilova, A. A.; Adonina, A. V.; Vovk, Y. R.; Goncharova, N. Y.