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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008About regional indicators of steady development (On an example of the Belgorod area) = О региональных индикаторах устойчивого развития (на примере Белгородской области)Kornilov, A. G.; Petin, A. N.
2023Current challenges to the sustainable development of rural communities in Russia's Central Chernozem RegionChugunova, N.; Polyakova, T.; Narozhnyaya, A.; Lisetskii, F.
2015Features of the labor market development in modem conditionsTretyakova, L. A.; Tselyutina, T. V.; Zakharov, V.; Govorukha, N. S.
2022Formation of environmental guidelines to ensure sustainable development of industrial enterprisesMedvedeva, Yu.; Pasholikov, M.; Luchaninov, R.; Semenova, S.; Garkovenko, V.
2023Fuzzy-Logical model for analysis of sustainable development of fuel and energy complex enterprisesBorodin, A.; Streltsova, E.; Mamedov, Z.; Yakovenko, I.; Mityushina, I.
2017Information economy of Belarus and anthropogenous potential of its developmentBaranov, A. M.
2022Integrated report as a new reporting modelZimakova, L. A.; Mussipova, L. K.; Tresnitskiy, A. B.; Chuiko, E. A.
2016Is sustainable development of scientific systems possible in the neo-liberal agenda?Moskovkin, V. M.; Serkina, O. V.
2016Labor mobility as a developing factor of sustainable labor market developmentTretyakova, L. A.; Zakharov, V. M.; Tselyutina, T. V.; Gulyaev, I. I.; Vlasova, T. A.
2020Method and criteria for assessing the sustainable developmentAverin, G. V.; Zviagintseva, A. V.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Shvetsova, A. A.
2020National increment of the concept of sustainable development: experience of the EEU statesPasenov, A. N.; Chentsov, S. D.; Prozenko, E. D.; Rasskazov, L. P.; Tonkov, E. E.
2021On assessing the sustainable development of industrial regions resultsSamarina, V.; Skufina, T.; Samarin, A.
2019Polarization of the regional settlement system as a refelection of neoliberal urbanization processesChugunova, N.; Polyakova, T.; Ignatenko, S.; Buryak, Zh.
2021Priority goals for the strategic development of industrial enterprises based on sustainable marketingMedvedeva, Yu.; Kolgan, M.; Pasholikov, M.; Shevyakov, Yu.; Sidorenko, A.
2023Regional mechanism for sustainable developmentVladyka, M.; Averina, S.; Burdinskaia, D.; Tikunov, V.; Serebrova, T.
2012Research universities as innovative points in the development of the regionLomovtseva, O.; Shumakova, I.; Tsurikova, L.
2021Role of socio-geographical parameters in natural resource management of Belgorod region, RussiaKireeva-Genenko, I. A.; Lоpina, E. M.; Belousova, L. I.; Mitryaykina, A. М.; Martsinevskaya, L. V.
2020Sustainable development of the Russian-Ukrainian border zone citiesSapryka, V.; Shmigirilova, L.; Vavilov, A.; Pastyuk, A.
2020The experience of using GRI Standards in sustainable development reports by Russian industrial corporationsSamarina, V.; Skufina, T.; Samarin, A.
2020The focus of the Russian corporate business for sustainable developmentRastopchina, Yu. L.; Serkina, O. V.; Dorokhova, E. I.