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Browsing by Subject two-scale convergence

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008A description of seismic acoustic wave propagation in porous media via homogenizationMeirmanov, A.
2011Acoustics equations in elastic porous mediaMeirmanov, A. M.
2016Derivation of an averaged model of isothermal acoustics in a heterogeneous medium in the case of two different poroelastic domainsGerus, A. A.; Gritsenko, S. A.; Meirmanov, A. M.
2010Derivation of the equations of nonisothermal acoustics in elastic porous mediaMeirmanov, A. M.
2018Homogenization of the equations of filtration of a viscous fluid in two porous mediaMeirmanov, A. M.; Gritsenko, S. A.
2019On homogenized equations of filtration in two domains with common boundaryMeirmanov, A. M.; Galtseva, O. A.; Gritsenko, S. A.