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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1971Aging of quenched aluminum aftee minoe defoemation at 77° KGindin, I. A.; Neklyudov, I. M.; Bobonets, I. I.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.
2020Analysis of the structural state formed in titanium at the final severe plastic deformation stageVolchok, O. I.; Kalinovskii, V. V.; Kislyak, I. F.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.; Galtsev, A. V.
2000Collimator-size effect on the parametric-radiation spectrumKamyshanchenko, N. V.; Kuzmenko, I. N.; Nasonov, N. N.; Nasonova, V. A.
2016Correlation relationship between scientific-innovation and macroeconomic indicators in the selected Russian regionsMoskovkin, V. M.; Sizyoongo Munenge; Verzunova, L. V.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.; Prizhihalinskiy, A. V.
2000Dynamical-diffraction effects in parametric radiationVoronov, V. R.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.; Nasonov, N. N.; Nasonova, V. A.
2000Effect of pulse flows of charged particles on the structure and mechanical properties of metalsNeklyudov, I. M.; Voevodin, V. N.; Rybalko, V. F.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.; Belenko, V. A.
2009Effect of strain aging on physical and mechanical properties of austenitic chromium-nickel steelKamyshanchenko, N. V.; Kuz’menko, I. N.; Roganin, M. N.; Gal’tsev, A. V.; Neklyudov, I. M.
2016Formation of low-angle boundaries accompanying the deformation process by twinning in titaniumNikulin, I. S.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.; Nikulicheva, T. B.; Mishunin, M. V.; Vokhmyanina, K. A.
2016Forming patterns and mechanical properties of austenitic chromium-nickel steel due to strain agingKamyshanchenko, N. V.; Krasilnikov, V. V.; Nikulin, I. S.; Gal'tsev, A. V.; Belenko, V. A.; Gal'tseva, I. N.
2011Investigation of twinning dynamics in VT1-0 titanium using acoustic emissionVolchok; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.; Nikulin, I. S.; Kungurtsev, M. S.; Neklyudov, I. M.
1998Kinetics of dislocation ensembles in deformable irradiated materialsKamyshanchenko, N. V.; Krasil'nikov, V. V.; Neklyudov, I. M.; Parkhomenko, A. A.
2010Kinetics of variation of electrical resistance and yield strength in technically pure nickel due to loading in the elastic range at 300-77 KNeklyudov, I. M.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.; Borts, V. V.; Gal'tsev, A. V.; Durykhin, M. I.
2009Programmed strengthening of crystalline materials using copper and aluminum as an exampleNeklyudov, I. M.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.; Kuz'menko, I. N.
1999Role of internal stresses in the localization of plastic flow of irradiated materialsKamyshanchenko, N. V.; Krasil’nikov, V. V; Sirota, V. V.; Neklyudov, I. M.; Parkhomenko, A. A
2019Some of the features of the viscoplastic mediaNazarova, M. Y.; Krasilnikov, V. V.; Nikulichev, V. B.; Matvienko, O. I.; Kamyshanchenko, N. V.
2008Study of the influence of vacancies and vacancy complexes on the yield limit of vacancies and vacancy complexes on the yield limit of al subjected to strain agingKamyshanchenko, N. V.; Galtsev, A. V.; Neklyudov, I. M.
2015The macroscopic phenomena during the development of mechanical twins In titanium under concentrated intensive loadKamyshanchenko, N. V.; Krasil’nikov, V. V.; Nikulin, I. S.; Gal’tsev, A. V.; Belenko, V. A.; Galt’tseva, I. N.
2010Twinning of alloy VT1-0 after total annealingKamyshanchenko, N. V.; Nikulin, I. S.; Kungurtsev, M. S.; Goncharov, I. Yu.; Neklyudov, I. M.