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Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Agent model for evaluating efficiency of regional human resourceMamatov, A. V.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Mashkova, A. L.; Savina, O. A.
2020Application of fuzzy synchronization in the NLOS UV communication systemVasilyev, G. S.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Lazarev, S. A.
2020Application of hyperoperations for engineering practiceRubtsov, K. A.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Lazarev, S. A.
2019Approaches to the security analysis of authentication and authorization protocols in distributed systemsKonstantinov, I. S.; Lazarev, S. A.; Kiselev, V. E.; Demidov, A. V.
2014Approaches to the solution of tasks on decision support by managing the environmental safety of the local urban areasIvashchuk, O. A.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Ivashchuk, O. D.; Kurbatov, V. L.
2020Assessing the efficiency of robot communicationPolshchykov, K. A.; Lazarev, S. A.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Polshchykova, O. N.; Svoikina, L. F.; Igityan, E. V.; Balakshin, M. S.
2014Automated management of biotechnosphere of local urban areasIvashchuk, O. A.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Shcherbinina, N. V.; Kvanin, D. A.; Gakhov, R. P.
2019AUV Link mobile ad-hoc network examinationKonstantinov, I. S.; Vasyliev, G. S.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Kurilov, I. A.; Lazarev, S. A.
2021Control of operability of Peltier modules in cooling systems based on the analysis of transient operating modesKuzichkin, O. R.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Vasilyev, G. S.; Surzhik, D. I.
2014Creation of automated control system of environmental safety of an industrial complexIvashchuk, O. A.; Ivashchuk, O. D.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Mishunin, V. V.; Mamatov, A. V.
2015Decision algorithm of near-field microwave soundingKonstantinov, I. S.; Mamatov, A. V.; Sapryka, V. A.; Cherenkov, A. D.; Sapryka, A. V.
2017Diagnosis of neuro-physiological state of a person on the biomechanical parametersGrecheneva, A. V.; Dorofeev, N. V.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Konstantinov, I. S.
2014Error correction method results in a multiplication of the supercomputerKorsunov, N. I.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Nachetov, A. A.
2020Hierarchical model for conditioning information signals at the MANET physical level with ultraviolet channelVasilyev, G. S.; Kuzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Lazarev, S. A.
2018Information support system for regional human resource developmentMamatov, A. V.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Mashkova, A. L.; Savina, O. A.
2024Mathematical analysis of sir model with incubation periodKonstantinov, I. S.; Taha, A. T. T.
2019Measurement of the status of complex systems in multidimensional phase spacesAverin, G. V.; Zviagintseva, A. V.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Shvetsova, A. A.
2020Method and criteria for assessing the sustainable developmentAverin, G. V.; Zviagintseva, A. V.; Konstantinov, I. S.; Shvetsova, A. A.
2019Modeling and analyzing of UV channels characteristics in various configuration of transmitters and receivers for building ManetKonstantinov, I. S.; Vasyliev, G. S.; Kyzichkin, O. R.; Surzhik, D. I.; Kyrilov, I. A.; Lazarev, S. A.
2015Modern information technologies in environmental sciences: climate wikienceZalipynis, R. A. R.; Ivashchuk, O. A.; Konstantinov, I. S.