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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Anomaly in Pyroelectric Current Generation with Varying Lithium Tantalate Single Crystal Temperature with a Constant RateGilts, M. E.; Kishin, I. A.; Klenin, A. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.
2019Compact neutron generators for the calibration of low background experimentsChepurnov, A. S.; Kaplii, A. A.; Klenin, A. A.; Kolesnikov, D. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Shchagin, A. V.
2021Dependence of the endpoint energy of X-ray radiation on the preliminary temperature change during the pyroelectric source operation in the pulsed modeOleinik, A. N.; Bolotov, E. V.; Gilts, M. E.; Ivashchuk, O. O.; Klenin, A. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Shchagin, A. V.
2017Development of pyroelectric neutron source for calibration of neutrino and dark matter detectorsChepurnov, A. S.; Ionidi, V. Y.; Gromov, M. B.; Kirsanov, M. A.; Klyuyev, A. S.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Shchagin, A. V.; Vokhmyanina, K. A.
2018Influence of mechanical treatment of the Z-surface of lithium niobate on the properties of X-ray pyroelectric sourceIvashchuk, O. O.; Klenin, A. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Shchagin, A. V.
2016Investigation of the yield of X-ray radiation from pyroelectric sources with cone-shaped targetsIvashchuk, O. O.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Shchagin, A. V.
2020Lateral surface electrization of Z-cut lithium niobate during pyroelectric effectOleinik, A. N.; Karataev, P. V.; Klenin, A. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Shchagin, A. V.
2016Measurement of distribution anisotropy of X-Ray yield from a pyroelectric crystal surfaceGromov, M. B.; Ivashuk, O. O.; Ionidi, V. Y.; Karataev, P. V.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Shchagin, A. V.
2022Observation of X-rays during heating a pyroelectric crystal by an infrared laserNazhmudinov, R. M.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Klenin, A. A.
2017Possibility of using the piezoceramic PZT-19 in pyroelectric X-ray generatorsVokhmyanina, K. A.; Ivashchuk, O. O.; Ionidi, V. Yu.; Kaplii, A. A.; Kishchin, I. A.; Klyuev, A. S.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.; Nikulin, I. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Sotnikov, A. V.
2018Properties of a ceramic pyroelectric X-ray generator as dependent on residual-gas pressureShchagin, A. V.; Volkov, V. I.; Miroshnik, V. S.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.
2022Pyroelectric deflector of relativistic electron beamIvashchuk, O. O.; Kishin, I. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Sotnikova, V. S.; Shchagin, A. V.
2016Pyroelectric neutron generator for calibration of neutrino and dark matter detectorsChepurnov, A. S.; Ionidi, V. Y.; Ivashchuk, O. O.; Kubankin, A. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Shchagin, A. V.
2021Pyroelectric technologies, their applications, and prospects for developmentIvashchuk, O. O.; Shchagin, A. V.; Kubankin, A. S.; Kishin, I. A.; Oleinik, A. N.; Gilts, M. E.
2020Quartz accelerator of charged particlesIvashchuk, O. O.; Shchagin, A. V.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nikulin, I. S.; Oleinik, A. N.; Zhukova, M. A.
2021Study of the dependence of the end-point bremsstrahlung energy on the residual gas pressure during the pyroelectric source operation in vacuumIvashchuk, O. O.; Shchagin, A. V.; Kubankin, A. S.; Kishin, I. A.; Oleinik, A. N.; Gilts, M. E.
2021X-ray generation during piezoelectric lighter operation in vacuumIvashchuk, O. O.; Shchagin, A. V.; Kubankin, A. S.; Klenin, A. A.; Oleinik, A. N.