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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Associations of Polymorphic Loci of Matrix Metalloproteinase Genes with Breast Cancer in Women of the Central Black Earth Region of RussiaPavlova, N. V.; Ponomarenko, I. V.; Orlova, V. S.; Batlutskaya, I. V.; Efremova, O. A.; Churnosov, M. I.
2022Clinical and genetic characteristics of preeclampsiaGolovchenko, O. V.; Abramova, M. Yu.; Orlova, V. S.; Batlutskaya, I. V.; Sorokina, I. N.
2018Clinical and laboratory indicators in pregnant women with preeclampsiaGolovchenko, O. V.; Reshetnikov, E. A.; Aristova, I. K.; Orlova, V. S.; Batlutskaya, I. V.
2018Genetic determinants of complicated pregnancyReshetnikov, E. A.; Rudyh, N. A.; Batlutskaya, I. V.; Krikun, E. N.; Orlova, V. S.
2015Genetic factors of hysteromyomaKrivoshei, I. V.; Altuchova, O. B.; Golovchenko, O. V.; Orlova, V. S.; Churnosov, M. I.
2019Hereditary disease epidemiology study as the basis for pharmacotherapy need determination among newbornsSorokina, I. N.; Vinoglyadova, S. V.; Rudyh, N. A.; Bezmenova, I. N.; Verzilina, I. N.; Orlova, V. S.
2018Primary dismernoria among teenager girls on the background of non-differentiated dysplasia of connecting tissueOrlova, V. S.; Motsnaya, O. V.; Kalashnikova, I. V.; Churnosov, M. I.; Zhernakov, E. V.
2021Risk factors and methods for predicting ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (ohss) in the in vitro fertilizationPakhomov, S. P.; Orlova, V. S.; Verzilina, I. N.; Sukhih, N. V.; Nagorniy, A. V.
2020The relationship between placental gene polymorphisms and preeclampsia risk in Russian womenReshetnikov, E. A.; Altukhova, O. B.; Orlova, V. S.; Batlutskaya, I. V.; Elykova, A. V.; Kulikovskiy, V. F.
2020The study of the associations of polymorphism of matrix metalloproteinases with multifactorial human diseases and in silico assessment of their functional effectsMinyaylo, O. I.; Starikova, D. I.; Orlova, V. S.; Batlutskaya, I. V.; Efremova, O. A.; Kulikovsky, V. F.
2019The study of the role of maternal and fetal risk factors in the development of placental insufficiencyReshetnikov, E. A.; Golovchenko, O. V.; Bezmenova, I. N.; Orlova, V. S.; Batlutskaya, I. V.; Krikun, E. N.