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Browsing by Author Pokrovsky, V. M.

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Development of murine stem cells with conditional knockout of humanized Snca genePatrakhanov, E. A.; Pokrovsky, V. M.; Karagodina, A. Yu.; Krayushkina, A. M.; Zhunusov, N. S.; Deykin, A. V.; Korokin, M. V.; Pokrovsky, M. V.; Altukhova, O. B.
2021Genetically modified animals for use in bio‑pharmacology: from research to productionDeykin, A. V.; Shcheblykina, O. V.; Povetka, E. E.; Golubinskaya, P. A.; Pokrovsky, V. M.
2023Neuroprotective properties of Na+/H+-exchanger isoform-1 inhibitor in experimental POAGPobeda, A. S.; Pokrovsky, V. M.; Patrakhanov, E. A.; Turpakova, A. V.; Ustinova, A. I.
2018Possible ways of pharmacological correction of ischemic liver damages using aronist of peripheral imidazoline receptors C7070Dovgan, A. P.; Povetkin, S. V.; Batishcheva, G. A.; Dolzhikov, A. A.; Pokrovsky, V. M.; Urozhevskaya, Z. S.
2017The methodology of assessing the effectiveness of the therapyPokrovsky, V. M.; Polishchuk, L. V.; Polishchuk, S. V.