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Title: Agrogenic Transformation of Soils in the Dry Steppe Zone under the Impact of Antique and Recent Land Management Practices = Агрогенная трансформация почв сухостепной зоны под влиянием античного и современного этапов землепользования
Authors: Lisetskii, F. N.
Keywords: geography
soil geography
virgin soil
fallow soils
old arable soils
Northern Black Sea region
land use
ancient land use
Issue Date: 2008
Citation: Lisetskii, F.N. Agrogenic Transformation of Soils in the Dry Steppe Zone under the Impact of Antique and Recent Land Management Practices = Агрогенная трансформация почв сухостепной зоны под влиянием античного и современного этапов землепользования / F. N. Lisetskii ; БелГУ // Eurasian Soil Science. - 2008. - Vol.41, №8.-Р. 805-817. - doi: 10.1070/SM2008v199n03ABEH003924.
Abstract: Studied virgin, fallow and old-arable soils on the territory of the Northern Black Sea region. It is shown that soils, which were included in the zone of ancient land use for hundreds of years, still retain significant differences in comparison with their virgin analogues
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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