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Title: Model of position-dynamic structure of river basins
Authors: Pozachenyuk, E. A.
Lisetskii, F. N.
Vlasova, A. N.
Buryak, Zh. A.
Marinina, O. A.
Keywords: earth Science
position-dynamic structure
river basin
GIS modeling
Issue Date: 2015
Citation:  Model of position-dynamic structure of river basins / E. A. Pozachenyuk et al. // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. - 2015. - Vol.6, №6.-Р. 1776-1780. - Refer.: p. 1779-1780.
Abstract: In this work, we have presented semi automated means of modeling of position-dynamic structure (PDS) of river basins’ landscapes with application of geo-informational systems (GIS). Results of modeling were tested on the basin of one of headwaters. The structure of the model includes landscape lines, layers, sub-regions and regions. The model takes into account conditions of formation of landscape’s PDS in mountain and plain parts of river basins
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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