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Title: Pathomorphological aspects of thermal trauma
Authors: Pavlova, T. V.
Markovskaya, V.
Bashuk, I.
Kolesnicov, D.
Keywords: medicine
animal physiology
thermal traumas
Issue Date: 2014
Citation: Pathomorphological aspects of thermal trauma / T. V. Pavlova [и др.] // Virchows Arch : European Journal of Pathology . - 2014. - №465.-P. 289-290. - (Supplement 1).
Abstract: The majority of people face with unfavorable influence of thermal factors of environment. The thermal trauma can be a cause of injury and death of subjects. One hundred twenty rats were subjected to influence of temperature 28, 38, 48°С in duration of 5 min in thermal camera. Brain, liver, kidneys, heart, skeletal muscles were studied with help o f light, raster and scanning electron microscopy with elemental analysis. The overheating at 38°С leaded to formation of quick adaptation to heat, directed to preservation of transport and protidosynthetic functions, as well as to development of disadaptative processes
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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