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Title: Effect of pharmacological preconditioning with incretinomimetics exenatide and vildagliptin on the survival of ischemic tissues
Authors: Tarasova, A. P.
Danilenko, L. M.
Sernov, L. N.
Keywords: medicine
physiology of animals
doksorubitsinola cardiomyopathy
isolated heart of rats
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Tarasova, A.P. Effect of pharmacological preconditioning with incretinomimetics exenatide and vildagliptin on the survival of ischemic tissues / A.P. Tarasova, L.M. Danilenko, L.N. Sernov // Research result. Pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. - 2017. - Vol. 3, № 4.- P. 132-150. - Doi: 10.18413/2313-8971-2017-3-4-13 2-150. - Refer.: p. 147-150.
Abstract: Currently, much attention is paid to the pleiotropic effects of entretenimiento. Study of the protective effect exenatide and valdiation with pharmacological correction of ischemic myocardial damage, damage of liver and skin graft during the experiment. During the experimental study we used a comprehensive approach to the study of the antiischemic effects of entretenimento: doksorubitsinola model of cardiomyopathy, hypo/reperfusion of the isolated heart, ischemia/reperfusion of the liver and the modeling of the skin flap on the supply leg
Appears in Collections:Vol. 3, № 4

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