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Title: Experimental rationale for the use of fluids with different redox potential as a basis for infusion therapy
Authors: Kovalenko, I. V.
Kolesnichenko, P. D.
Keywords: medicine
physiology of animals
infusion solutions
Red-Ox potential
oxidation-reduction potential
ionized liquids
infusion therapy
redox balance of the organism
experimental investigations
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: Kovalenko, I.V. Experimental rationale for the use of fluids with different redox potential as a basis for infusion therapy / I.V. Kovalenko, P.D. Kolesnichenko // Research result: pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. - 2017. - Vol. 3, № 2.- P. 29-37. - Doi: 10.18413/2313-8971-2017-3-2-29-37.
Abstract: Objectives: To study the parameters of redox potential (ORP or Red-Ox) and pH of infusion solutions. To identify the general biological properties of ionized liquids with different ORP when administered by different methods to experimental animals and when applied to the wound surface. To study the effects of infusion therapy with solutions based on ionized fluids with various ORP in anaphylactic shock, bacterial sepsis, alcoholic hepatitis, dehydration, and skin injuries
Appears in Collections:Vol. 3, № 2

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