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Title: Formalism of classical Cartan mechanics as a basis to construct unified field theory
Authors: Selezov, I.
Mendygulov, Ju.
Moskovkin, V.
Fratamico, G.
Keywords: physics
theoretical physics
field theory
motion of the particles
the gravitational field
Issue Date: 2004
Citation: Formalism of classical Cartan mechanics as a basis to construct unified field theory / I. Selezov, Ju. Mendygulov, V. Moskovkin et al. // Комплексний аналiз i течii з вiльними границями : зб. праць Iн-ту математики НАН Украiни / гол. ред. А.М. Самойленко. - Киiв, 2004. - С. 202-206.
Abstract: Eearlier the theory has been developed describing the motion of a particle and its interaction with physical fields on the basis of the symplectic metric of extended phase space-time. The corresponding held-equations are obtained in the framework of the formalism of the Kalutsa fifth-dimensional theory. It is evident that such a theory is not fully consecutive Here a more general approach is developed when not only equations of motion and interaction of particles but also the gravitational fields follow from the symplectic metric
Appears in Collections:Статьи из периодических изданий и сборников (на иностранных языках) = Articles from periodicals and collections (in foreign languages)

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