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Title: Nanostructural thermoelectric materials obtained by solvothermal synthesis and hot isostatic pressure= Получение и свойства наноструктурных термоэлектрических материалов методами сольвотермального синтеза и горячего изостатического прессования
Authors: Ivanov, O. N.
Lojkowski, W.
Lyubushkin, R. A.
Maradudina, O. N.
Keywords: technics
metal science
solvothermal synthesis
bismuth telluride
nanostructural thermoelectric materials
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Nanostructural thermoelectric materials obtained by solvothermal synthesis and hot isostatic pressure= Получение и свойства наноструктурных термоэлектрических материалов методами сольвотермального синтеза и горячего изостатического прессования / O.N. Ivanov, W. Lojkowski, R.A. Lyubushkin et al. ; Belgorod State University // Научные ведомости БелГУ. Сер. Математика. Физика. - 2012. - №11(130), вып.27.-С. 134-139. - Refer.: p. 139.
Abstract: Nanostructured Bi₂Te₃-based material was prepared by microwave assisted solvot-hermal method and hot isostat.ic pressing. Optimal synthesis conditions of the Bi₂Te₃ nanopowder were found. It was established that. hot. isostat.ic pressing of nanopowders at. temperature of 400°C and pressures of 2, 4, 6 and 8 GPa allowed us to form homogeneous and dense Bi₂Te₃-based material with average grain size from 60 to 100 nm
Appears in Collections:№ 11 (130), вып. 27

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